I see it, I don't - Part 2

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A/N: I read a reddit discussion regarding HP fanon elements, which I generally mostly agree upon as just being used for too much convenience. I really don't think that glamour charms exist, in the same way that wards and magical cores don't, or Sirius being a playboy or womaniser.

My take on wards is that they are just complex charms and jinxes 'warding off' certain people and magic while allowing others to pass through. Like the Muggle Repelling or the other spells the Trio used in DH. There just seems to exist a boundary defined by the caster or their power and ability, which is what in my opinion 'wards' really are.

My view on magical cores though is quite contradictory. I believe that the magical element in a wizard is most certainly a mixture of or inbetween physical and mental capabilities due to age. It is the reason that the Trio can't cast the Fidelius at 17 is the same as one cannot deadlift 150% bodyweight that age without training. But it is more of a psychic thing (it's magic, right?) which somehow can be trained to become proficient at particular specific things. That's the reason why Harry was able to perform the Patronus, as some people can learn multivariable calculus at that age through finding proper works complimenting their learning methods.

Enough of my ramblings and onto the story folks!

"So are you telling me that my soul is split apart by this mysterious 'Patron of Life' or someone? Who the hell is this guy — girl — whoever?", Harry asked, his anger evident in his voice.

"You see, Master of Death, us Divine elements, except for the Trinity, are compelled not to divulge the name of the Friends of the Forces in any form. So the name of the Patron of Life is, according to me, the Patron of Life", Death answered.

"It's like someone put the Fidelius on our secret", Salazar explained.

"And with us being the secret keepers ourselves somehow", Harry agreed.

"So, as long as there is a Conference of the Allies in the Duat, even I myself cannot seem to break their attention, as their talk is what dictates the course of the Realm"

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"Let me tell you one thing, Dearil, before we part on our ways — we will unite in our mundane form again, and our bond — if the Arbiter of Fate has his ways, would be closer than of friends"

And with that, the panther ran away into the enchanting grasslands, leaving Harry beneath the aurora clad sky all alone. Feeling a sense of direction in his core, the phoenix flapped his wings and took off into the night sky, and as he passed through the Heaven Lights, he was transported right above the Hogwarts grounds, to the oohs and aahs of the many students below.

He entered the Headmaster's chambers, to the bemusement of many faces present within. Of course, nobody had ever seen a blue phoenix before, right?

When Harry saw himself once again, he seemed to shift between the two minds quite rapidly, and seemingly losing control of the brilliant bird too in the process. The bird lunged at Harry with a shriek, and then flowed inside him as through still water, before Harry blacked out again.

"Choose your words wisely, Master of Death. I feel the time has come for you to become close to the Patron of Life while you can", Death said, and disappeared.

"Who's this new guy?", he asked Salazar, pointing at the young man while Death's illusion was still on.

"Some other time Harry. For now, listen carefully. . .

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