The Wallet Next Door

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I rolled my eyes as I lay in bed while hearing my roommate, Justin, sing loudly "BOW DOW, I'M DERRRRIIICK!! AND I CAN SING HIGH, LIKE THIIIIS!! AND I CAN SING HIIIIIGGHHH~" over and over. We just got finished watching Step Brothers in the living room, so that's why he's singing that. It's annoying yet amusing at the same time.

After studying for my stats class for two hours after the movie, it's now 10 P.M. I'm finishing up, feeling drained from studying hard.

Closing my laptop on my desk, I go and flop onto my bed with a loud sigh and listened to the sound of the shower running. Justin has been in there for a while, and I'm honestly wondering if he's gonna turn into a raisin soon.

I close my eyes and continue to focus on the hypnotic humming of the shower, finding myself slowly drifting to sleep...


A scent of soap and a wave of humidity hit me. Snakily and silently, something wraps around my waist. It was at this moment that I realized the shower had stopped running. I kept my eyes closed for some strange reason. Could it be shock? Or that I'm a nosey whore and curious about what's happening right now?

I felt the weight of my bed sink behind me softly, an audible but gentle sigh of relief escapes from Justin's mouth. I know it's him because who the fuck else could it be, the grim reaper? Anyway, I feel him gently placing a kiss on my neck with another satisfied sigh, whispering, "I know this is sudden but... I want to serve you tonight for being a hard-working roommate."

I froze. Did he just say serve? Me? Hard-working? Roommate?


I pause before hesitantly replying, "Y-yes?"

"I want you... to tell me what to do tonight. Just tell me what you want me to be and... I'll be that."

A small smile grows on my face before I say, "You're dumb."

I hear him breathe out a quiet laugh before knowingly replying back to me with, "I'll be that."

"Wow, so you remember when we saw The Notebook movie together when we first met?" I ask, surprised that he remembered the reference.

"Of course. We met like... a month ago on some roommate website and... you said that you wanted to watch something that was a 'cult classic' together for the first time because I 'seemed to be a cool person' or whatever."

I giggle, "Yeah, and the pictures of you camping and shopping caught my attention. Hey, why did you match with me first?"

"Honestly, I just wanted to help. Your bio crushed my heart a bit... and I'd hate myself if I didn't, you know? No one should ever go through anything alone."

It's silent for a moment, and it's my turn to let out a sigh. He nuzzles his face into my neck before kissing it again. He holds onto my waist tighter while embracing me into his arms. I feel his shirt against my skin, as I'm just lying down with a black crop top on with black fuzzy shorts. I shiver as his body comfortably meshes with mine.

"What's a fantasy of yours that you want me to make happen right now?" He whispered in my ear.

"I'm nervous."

"Don't be, I'm not an asshole. I'm open to whatever you want and need."

"It's very... unusual though."

"C'mon, how bad could it be?"

"Okay so... I feel so weird to say what I'm about to say." I laugh nervously and am obviously stalling.

"I'm all ears."

"Well... I want you to be my wallet."

"A what now?"

The Wallet Next Door [Fanfic] [Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now