Never Replaced

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A handsome man's slender fingers were  holding the erasable board marker and gracefully scribbling on the neat white boad.

His mesmerising beauty and way of talking is so captivating that anyone would be under his spell and listen to his lactures  the whole day the subject he was teaching was also not soo boring it was Biology everyone's favourite yet informative one.

Yes he was Kim Soekjin the beloved and dearly husband of Kim Namjoon a famous and soo workholic businessman of Korea. Obviously the company being famous, rich and number one of Korea it required a hardworking  dedicated CEO.

"Okay class now we are going to discuss about the structure of neurones..........."said Jin in a sweet calm voice which seemed to derive everyone's attention to the whiteboard except one person.

A small figured male sitting at the last bench of the class with chewing gum in his mouth spinning pen between his pale fingers not paying a single shit about his surroundings not even to the sweet voice of the handsome professor.

"Mr.Kim yoongi can you pls throw that gum out of your mouth and pay attention to the given lacture" said Jin in his calm voice

"Yeah whatever" said yoongi in a cold voice getting out of his chair to throw the gum in the nearby bins.

"Dude can you pls stop throw daggers at him by staring like this. Yoongi pls give him some space he looks........." said jimin Yoongi's BFF

"Jimin pls  i don't wanna listen to your and dad's lactures. I'm tired of this. He needs some space blah blah I was the one who needed space not him but no who the hell cares even if I died"

"You two both  last bench will pls  maintain silence its kindda disturbing during the lacture" spoke the professor

"Sorry Mr. Kim we will not repeat this again"said jimin in respective way

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and took out his cell phone and started using it. Untill one of his classmates who had big fat crush on yoongi texted him

Unknown: "Yoongi pls send me nudes I wanna see how pretty you look"

and a video clip of a porn site where two people were having s*x.

Yoongi cringed at this and showed it to Jimin.
Jimin gasped loudly when he saw the video  Yoongi quickly closed Jimin's mouth with his hand but it was to late  it caused everyone's attention to be drawn to the last bench where they both were sitting.

"What it is Mr. Park there must be a good reason for you to disturb the whole class" asked jin

"It's nothing It's just......"jimin could not form accurate words.

"Show me your phone Yoongi" said jin

"It has nothing to do with what happened" said yoongi backing away

"I said show me your phone pls don't make me repeat my words again"said jin

Yoongi unlocked his phone and handed it to Jin who took it immediately and saw the video and the text.

"Mr. Wang give me your phone" said jin raising his voice

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim it will not happened again"said Jackson

"I don't wanna repeat unless you wanna fail my class"said jin

Jackson handed his phone over to Jin

" I will make sure that such things will not ever happen again" jin said throwing Jackson's phone out of the window

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