Little ray of hope

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Next day

Jin went to his school he was shocked to see those boys there his blood boiled at them. He went to the principals office

He asked the principal why are these boys still allowed to the school

The principal told him that they all are not guilty of raping yoongi bcz of no evidence

Jin was really angry he cursed a bit at him and then he resigned from his job as a professor.

On his way to his car he heard one of the boys from that group speak to each other

"If he was a boy he would be pregnant by now" with that they all laughed

This made everything clear now Jin now made his mind to just help himself and take revenge himself not waiting for law.

After losing all the given hope in his heart and mind of finding someone reliable Jin suddenly remembered Taehyung. He immediately checked everything that he can place the card to. He finally checked his bag and finally

"Found it" jin was happy to finally find the card he drove immediately to the given address

He saw a small alley leading to a small apartment he double checked the address and now knocked on the door.

A very messy head Taehyung greeted him first tae was confused to see jin here but then he just welcomed him home.

His apartment was a bit too much messy jin told him that he wanted tae to spy on those boys so that he can take revenge.

Tae agreed happily on helping him but on one condition

—-From now on I don't know who are you nor you know who i am. Is it clear. I will tell you places where we can meet but more like strangers ———-

first of them the most easy victim for them was hanchul.

Now tae was gathering info on Hanchul by spying him

While in house yoongi would often has outbrusts now he would scream and shout on jin but was getting alot better now.

Jin was told about kevins routine by tae so one night when jin was eating apple a seed came to his mouth then an idea hit him like a truck.

He choped alot means alot of apples and separated the seeds out he then crushed them into a special way to get his desired product that was cyanide poison.

He was a biology teacher off course he knew that apple seeds have cyanide in them.

The then by the next night he went to hanchul's house bcz as oer tae informed him that han is not home today.

He sneaked through the back window that was left open also informed by tae and he didn't turned the lights so that he can detect and deactivate cameras.

The then roamed through the whole house to find a perfect place to keep the cyanide so that he( Hanchul )can consume it at a large quantity.

He went to dark room where he tripped over something and fell with a loud thud but noticed that there are weight balances and other gym stuff so his eyes went to the protein shake powder he immediately shakingly mixed the poweder with the cyanide and quickly went out.

He patiently waited for the next day.

Next day hanchul was vibing to a song and made himself milkshakes with protein powder to keep in extra shape before working out.

As he drank the shake completely he experienced the worse paralysis attack of his life his face muscles were the most affected he could not move muscle.

When Kevin came to pay Hanchul a visit his eyes widened when he saw his best friend his cousin at this state. He panicked and called the doctors

He was told that Hanchul was poisoned by cyanide the poison is deadly but due to it being extracted from harmless sources like apple seed it caused only paralysis attack only not the death.

Soon this news of hanchul spreaded all over news as Hanchul's father is a famous businessman.

An officer was appointed for investigation whose name was Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok investigated but couldn't find any clue but still kept working on it.

Jin was just smirking watching satisfactorily at the result of his actions.

Now it was time for mire drama Jin went to kevin's house by the backdoor as per informed by tae he then wore gloves and started to log into his computer he changed the date and time of the computer to the night before Hanchul was poisoned then he searched.

How to make cyanide from apple seeds

Then he chopped and prepared the cyanide from the apple seeds as he did before.

The apples were messily discarded into the bin he left confirmed clues that cyanide was prepared here.

Right after Jin left Hoseok entered the house to find clues.

As jin left all the clues he immediately took pictures of them and was about to leave but his eye caught something

It was glasses not normal one but the one that jin wears when he had to read something. His mind was puzzled yet the media announced that Jackson was the one who tried to poison his own cousin.

Kevin tried to but could defend himself since the proofs were solid.

You might wonder how Hoseok knew jin the answer is that he saw him that day outside the court.

And why Hoseok didn't say anything about Jin's glasses well he wanted some solid proof against Jin too that's why.

Well jin was watching the tv all happy that his plans are all working

He thanked himself that he trusted tae that day.

Now it was time for and remaining chaneoul and woonsik his wants his last victim to be Jackson

For chaneoul and woonsik he decided to take help from his old students that now worked or owns textile business that same group of girls.

Jin met the girls they were extremely happy to see him at their work place the literally treated him like a king.

Then jin discussed his plan with them they were happily willing to help even if it costed their life to complete this mission of their.

Tbc ..............

What do you think how will the girls help jin in taking revenge.

Now as jin is moving forward Hoseok is now following him like his shadow his plans will work any longer or will Hoseok expose him to the world.

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