Chapter 4 (A Weird Feeling)

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(same credits to my faithful artist~ ;3)

Lucifer's POV:

I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator as I always do, just so I don't run in into someone. As I was going down to the main lobby, I just couldn't get the image of Alastor's bare chest from my mind. ,,(Maybe Angel was right.. he is pretty handsome after all~)", I thought to myself chuckling. But even so, I thought all of this was just the feeling of lust, that I've developed for the past 7 years that Lilith left me. After all, I didn't have much physical contact with anyone since then, and I didn't really think about it that much.. until now. Maybe it's time to change it?

Finally being back at the lobby, Charlie approached me right away with a smile.
,,Dad! I was looking for you!"
She said, clearly happy about something.
,,Yeah? What for?"
I asked, chuckling. Seeing her so happy made me feel all warm inside, even though I didn't yet know what she's so happy about in the first place.
,,Rosie said she knows some people who would be interested in becoming our staff here!"
she said excited.
,,Who is.. ohh, she's a cannibal overlord, isn't she?"
I asked, being a bit confused by where Charlie knows such people from and why she assumed I would know her by name. But it only happens that I do. She nodded still smiling happily.
,,Yeah! I'll have to leave for tonight, but I'm not going to be back too la-"
,,Whoa-whoa! You're going to cannibal town? Are you sure you don't want me to go with you, dear? You know it can be dangerous.."
I cut her off with a sigh.

Charlie chuckled.
,,It's gonna be okay dad! Vaggie is coming with me, and well.. I feel like if you leave the hotel too, the situation here will turn into even more chaos"
she said rolling her eyes. ,,(Ha! So she also thinks Alastor isn't competent enough to leave this place on him, huh? That's my girl!)", I thought to myself smiling.
,,Finee.. but be careful and call me when you get there, alright?"
I said with a warm smile, patting Charlotte on her head.
Charlie nodded happily and then gasped turning around. The radio demon was right behind her, waiting patiently.
,,OH, right! Alastor was looking for you too!"
she said giggling and then quickly leaving me with him.

Alastor's POV:

As Charlie left us alone with a cute giggle, I noticed that Lucifer's previously warm smile turned into a smirk, as he raised his eyebrows.
,,Oh? And what did the radio demon need me for?"
he said with a weird intonation and looking right into my eyes. I didn't get why exactly he had to say it that way, but the look on his face made me a bit uncomfortable.
,,I just wanted to thank you for bringing me back my staff!"
I said smiling, but the next moment I bended down to his level, so I didn't have to speak this loud.
,,I hope you didn't see anything you shouldn't have when you were in my room, did you?"
I said way more quiet. I was speaking about multiple bones, bloodstains on the floor and contracts laying on my table, but.. I wasn't ready for his answer.

The smirk on his face became even wider, as he placed two fingers on my cheek, stroking down with them onto my chin, lifting it up slightly.
,,Does your hot bare chest count? ~"
he said flirtingly, as I felt my ears go down. My microphone screeched loudly as I quickly stood back up taking a step back.
I couldn't even answer him as he began to laugh.
,,My, you really are easy to get flustered, aren't you?"
he said finally calming down. I let out another annoyed screech at these words. Is he trying to embarrass me again? But infront of everyone else now?? Is that his fucking plan?

,,Hah, calm doown ~"
He said rolling his eyes, as if he was reading my mind again.
,,But you really are pretty hot without your shirt on..~"
He said quietly, so only I could hear this and then going past me with a wink.

I screamed in my head, as this mistake of an angel was already talking to another guest leaving me standing like this. So Lucifer actually did see me half naked? And.. why would he start acting like Angel Dust all of a sudden? ,,(This is fucking embarrassing..)", I thought to myself quickly leaving the center of the hall I was standing at.
Leaning on a wall somewhere next to Husk's bar I tried to fix my hair from my ears going up and down, just to feel this light heat coming from my face. ,,(Fuck.)", am I getting sick now? What's this feeling in my stomach?

,,Yo smiles!"
I suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from the bar.
,,You're redder than usual! What's the matter, huh? ~"

Yeah.. That's indeed Angel. He was like always just doing nothing but flirt with Husk at the bar. He wasn't even helping with the guests! How useful..
,,Haha, everything's fine! I just think I got a bit worked up helping with the guests, while you two are sitting around doing nothing!"
I said with a sarcastic laugh getting an annoyed growl from Husk and a chuckle from Angel.
purred the spider patting Husk on his head to calm him down. Ugh.. the sight of this is making me ill. But it's still better than suffering from this.. weird feeling.
,,Yeah of course~, we saw ya chatting with short king over there"
he suddenly said pointing at the place I was standing at the moment before.
,,Pfft-, well we were talking about Cha-"
,,Yeah, no. Ya know we could hear a bit from here ~"

His words made me freeze as I felt my face heat up again, even more this time. I turned my head angrily right into his direction, as I saw him smirking. I let out a sigh.
Well.. I suppose here's nothing more to hide.

,,Angel.. Was he saying that to embarrass me?"
,,WHAT?? I-.. shit ya really don't get anything about this stuff, do you?"
he answered almost annoyed, but still with a chuckle. I looked back at him with my eyebrows risen in confusion.
,,Tsk, he was flirting withcha.. take the hint!"
he said. He was.. flirting with me? Why? What does that even mean?

I didn't want to make myself look even more stupid, so I thanked Angel and went helping other guests, since Charlie just left and someone had to take care of them.
Should I.. talk to Lucifer about it?

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