Only One Bed

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In the midst of a storm, your coat clings tightly to your body and forms a weak barrier against the relentless wind. The hood wraps around your face, like a shield against the icy sting of the weather. Beside you, Daemon trudges on stoically, mimicking your efforts to ward off the biting cold.

Lights appear in the distance, like a beacon of refuge. No great words need to be exchanged between you, your steps take you towards the welcoming light.

Without a word, Daemon swings open the door of the tavern as you reach it and holds it open for you. Without hesitation, you enter the warm parlour. The door closes behind you and Daemon stops near you. He leads you further into the room and, as you remove your hood, the lively scene unfolds – a sea of people engaged in animated conversation, accompanied by laughter, fills the air.

Daemon walks to the counter and you instinctively follow him, but the allure of the crackling fire next to the counter catches your attention. You approach the flames and seek relief for your frozen limbs, your eyes fixed on the dancing flames.

But Daemon interrupts your reverie with a low growl and catches your eye. His silver hair, which he has freed from the confines of his hood, seems to light up the room.

"What's going on?" you ask as he stands next to you.

With a murmur, he tells you the news, "They have one room left," he admits, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, "But only with a single bed."

A subtle nod on your part acknowledges the predicament, and you focus back on the mesmerising fire. Before the warmth can fully penetrate your body, the landlady appears behind you and leads you to the only available room.

Once again, you don't hesitate for long and enter when she opens the door for you. You exchange a smile with the friendly lady before Daemon follows you in. The room is modestly furnished, but is quickly dominated by Daemon's imposing presence. A fire flickers in the corner, the warmth of which elicits an involuntary sigh of contentment from you.

The cold has made your fingers stiff, but you don't let it stop you from taking off your wet clothes. Daemon immediately realises that your fingers are starting to open your coat.

"What are you doing?" he mumbles as you place your coat next to the fire.

"Well... I'm soaking wet, and I'm definitely not going to bed in wet clothes," you say and start to undo your dress.

He mumbles, "So it's already decided," and starts to open his coat.

You look at him questioningly, "What?" comes out of your mouth.

Daemon's eyes meet yours and he takes off his coat. He approaches you to place his coat next to the fire as well.

"Well, you're going to sleep in the bed," he says, standing close to you.

"Yes..? And what would be wrong with that?" you ask him.

He smiles slightly, "Well... There's nothing wrong with that. But it's a single bed and.." but you interrupt him.

"Don't be ridiculous, we can both fit in there," you say and push your dress down. You bend down to pick up the dress, not noticing how Daemon briefly scrutinises your body in your vest.

As you place your dress next to the fire, you hear Daemon mumble something unintelligible. But without another word, you walk over to the bed and lie down in it. You watch Daemon lightly as he puts his shirt and trousers next to the fire. He comes over to the bed in his undergarments and stands in front of it.

"I sleep on the wall side of the bed," Daemon mumbles, climbing into the bed behind you. At first he tries to lie on his back – but the size of the bed makes it impossible, and before he crushes you with his body and your legs continue to fight for more space, he turns round. You are still lying on your back, Daemon's gaze fixed on you. "Turn round," he murmurs.

game of thrones smutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora