You'll Be The Death Of Me

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another sandor one cause UGHHHH

"What the fuck are you doing, girl?" Sandor calls out at you as your friend drops his sparring sword and takes off in the other direction. You huff before turning to face The Hound. "You know your daddy doesn't like you fighting." He reminds you for the 100th time that week.

He had caught you every single day, at least once, sparring with someone in different places that weren't covered with your dad's men. "He'll have my balls if he catches you before I do."
You turn away from him, continuing to practice your moves. 

"I didn't know you still have them." You quip as you spin and let your sword slice through the air. "Balls, I mean."

"Why wouldn't I?" He asks, walking towards you and knocking the sword from your hand when you point it at him. 

"I heard there was a eunuch in the castle." You say honestly, but it's hard to keep your face straight when he glares at you. 

"Not me." He grumbles and picks up your sword. "Let's go." He doesn't give you a chance to argue as he walks off. You follow him up the stone stairs begrudgingly, hoping he'll give you your sword back once you're stopped. You speed up your steps behind him, being careful to be quiet as you sneak up and grab your sword from his hand quickly. He grunts and goes to grab at you but you take off down the corridors, holding your dress up so you don't trip. 

You can hear his heavy footsteps thudding behind you as you slide around the corner and duck into the kitchen. The women making bread greet you with a smile as you scoot through them to the other door. As you reach it, the other door swings open, clashing against the wall and startling the cooks. 

Sandor's eyes land on you across the room, through the bustling bodies preparing dinner. He pushes forward, those in the way being discarded to whichever side he moved them. You smiled at him cheekily as you went through your door and continued your escapade through the halls. You could hear him yell your name out as you got an idea.

You headed down the descending stone steps into the keep beneath your father's castle. It was tunnel after tunnel, leading to whichever cell a prisoner was to be throw in. You headed down one of the tunnels on the right, knowing it led to a bare room with no cell. You would come down there to read when you wanted to be alone.
You heard boots clunking on the stairs above you as you walked out into the room. You smiled triumphantly as you laid your sword against one of the walls. You smoothed down your dress, about to turn and leave when Sandor took a few steps closer, into your view.

You stepped back, locking your hands behind your back and standing up straight. He couldn't see your sword from where you stood in front of it, and you tried to play dumb. 

"Sandor, what brings you–"

"Give it here." He cuts you off gruffly, holding his hand towards you.

You tilt your head, widening your eyes innocently as you looked up at him. "I'm sorry, what is it you want?"

He grabs your arm and yanks you to the side, revealing your sword sitting pretty against the wall. He grabs it swiftly and narrows his eyes at you as he pushes past you. You grab his arm with both of your hands, stopping him. He looks down at your hands then at you. 

"What if we made a deal?" You try. "I won't fight anymore if you give it back."

He chuckles at you, cocking an eyebrow up. "If you're not gonna fight, why do you need a sword?"

You huff and he goes to leave again but you grip him tighter. "Girl-" He warns, but you don't listen.

"A different deal then." You propose, plenty of ideas starting to swirl around in your mind. You move to stand in front of him and bring your hands up to unclasp his armor. "You can let me keep my sword, and... you can give me yours." You carefully place his armor to the side, reaching for his shirt strings.

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