Unfair Cruelty

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Kellie and Celeste chat on the bus waiting to arrive at the school but they didn't expect a turn of events, Most kids were just in their own space talking and hanging out themselves. Except maya and Dan were making out in the bus at the very front, the driver does nothing. Some kids started smoking and passing the single cigarette around, the driver does nothing. Except the one time that Kellie stands up, she gets yelled at, for no reason. Kellie started getting pissed off and wanted the bus to arrive already. What seemed like ages, the bus had arrived at K-12 Sleepaway School. Everyone got off the bus and headed inside. Everyone had suddenly disappeared as it seemed like Kellie and Celeste took forever just to step foot inside the building. They searched around looking for their classroom, to hear some 1900s ballroom music in an elegant room, they decided to open the doors and found some peculiar ghosts dancing so elegantly and perfect posture . *achoo!* Kellie hasps accidentally had sneezed and caught all of the ghosts' attention, 1....2....A few seconds passed, and all the ghosts rushed to Kellie and Celeste at the speed of light as they quickly slammed the door shut. The started breathing lightly getting their air back after being a little terrified from the ghosts chase. They finally had found their classroom, not knowing their late, they were a little confused which was theirs, there was three classrooms in front of them. 221, 222 and 223. "Which room was our classroom again?" Celeste asked. "222." They look at each door speaking "221" they look to the right "223" then turn straight "222." They open the door and enter the classroom. "Class, would you like to inform Kellie and Celeste what rule they did not follow?" Miss Daphne asks. "When the bell rings, you must be in your assigned seat." Everybody says except Kellie, Celeste and Miss Daphne. She looks at Kellie and Celeste. "Well what are ya deaf? Sit your asses down!" They both rush to their seat and sit down. "May everybody stand up for the pledge of allegiance." The principal over the loudspeaker says. Everybody but Henry stands up and puts their hand on their heart. "Henry! On your feet!" "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And for which it stands." Miss Daphne interrupts "I'm being generous with you boy." "And to stand under god and show some respect for liberty and justice for all." Kevin speaks up, "you hear that? Liberty and justice for all? That's bullshi-" miss Daphne presses a button on her table and two security workers come in and take Kevin to who knows where. For all we know, he could be dead.

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