Sleepless Night

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Ten days. That's how long Ryan has been here in Atlanta with us, yet not even a slight alter with Josey. Josey is just not being verbal about his feelings, which is so odd, and Steph has tried to get more information but nothing. I told Steph that she only had to come four hours a day from Monday to Thursday because I was trying to gain back more trust between us and Josey. As much as I'm grateful for Steph, I did feel some kind of way that Josey opened up to her instead of me. My love for that boy—I would never risk losing my abs to carry him for nine months just so he might trust someone else. In all seriousness, though, I should be the one person Josey should feel like he can talk to. If it wasn't difficult enough lately, it's been fucking with my sleep. Here I am at 1 a.m., still tossing and turning. I'm not going to lie; there's only been one person who has been able to help me fall asleep: Sean. I picked up my phone and decided to text him, just in case he was asleep.

Naya: Hey, babe. You up?
Sean: I was just getting into bed. What's up, baby?
Naya: Nothing much. I just can't sleep.
Sean: You want to FaceTime for a little?
Naya: Yeah, I'd like that.
In two minutes, there was an incoming FaceTime video from Sean, which I eagerly picked up.
"Hi," I said, admiring my exhausted boyfriend lying down.

"Talk to me, baby," Sean replied, slightly hearing the sleepiness in his voice.

"I can't sleep," I said.

"I can see that, but what are you thinking about?" Sean asked.

"Honestly, Josey is feeling neglected, as my nanny told me, which is why Ryan's here. I just don't know how to fix it," I ranted.

"You just have to give it time, and I'm sure he'll open up. I could tell you are Josey's favorite person to be around from the videos I saw," Sean said.

"Videos... have you been stalking my Instagram, babe?" I asked.

"I contest," Sean replied.

"Sean Anderson," as if I were his mother.

"It's not my fault I miss you," Sean defended himself.

"So whose fault is it then?" I asked.

"Yours. You shouldn't be so gorgeous and wonderful," Sean joked.

I teasingly remarked, "I should carry you with me whenever I go to receive compliments."

"You call or ask, and I'll be there," Sean said.

"I miss you too. I guess we'll call in another week again," I said, realizing we'd only been corral texting.

"No, I'll be in Atlanta for some press on February 13-16, so if you want, we could hang out," Sean informed me.

"Okay, I'll let you know," I told him.

"I'm going to get some shut-eye, baby. I hope I was able to help," Sean said.

"You did. Night, babe," I said, hanging up the phone.

I headed to the kitchen, needing some water after all that talking.

"Why are you up?" Ryan asked, popping out of nowhere once I closed the fridge door, causing me to drop the glass of water.

"Shit, Ryan, you scared me," I said, bending down to carefully pick up the glass.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Ryan apologized, and he started to help me pick some pieces.

"It's okay. To answer your question, I just can't sleep," I said, my eyes focused on the ground.

"Same here. However, mine is just because I'm getting used to the time difference," Ryan said.

"Ouch. Crap!" I shrieked as my plucking piece of glass cut the middle of my palm, so now it was bleeding.

"Naya, go sit down on the couch; I'll finish cleaning up the rest," Ryan ordered, and I followed because my bleeding all over the place wouldn't help. I grabbed a rag and wrapped it around my hand to try and slow the bleeding.

"Let me see it," Ryan said, walking over to sit next to me.

"It's fine. I got it," I said to Ryan.

"Is that why you are bleeding out on your top and my pillow?" Ryan asked, looking down at his makeshift bed on the couch.

"Is that why you are bleeding out on your top and my pillow?" Ryan asked, looking down at his makeshift bed on the couch

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"I am sorry. I'll clean it up when I'm done," I said contritely, knowing that sleeping on the couch must feel awful.
"Don't worry about it," Ryan said, grabbing my hand and unwrapping the rag.

"You most likely have a piece stuck in your palm, which is why you are still bleeding," Ryan said, looking at my still-bleeding hand.

"My clumsy ass should never have to touch sharp objects," I joked as Ryan walked down the hall and came back with tweezers, hydrogen peroxide, and gauze.

"That is one thing we can surely agree on," Ryan chuckled while taking my hand and plucking the small piece of glass remaining in my hand.

"I was thinking, What if we all go to a late lunch later?" asked Ryan.

"Yeah, hopefully, it will help," I said, looking away.

"Naya, this is not your fault," Ryan said.

"It feels like it. Josey's with me the majority of the time, so it kind of feels like it is," I said, getting furious thinking about the situation.

"Nay, despite our arguments, I have never questioned the love and dedication you have for the people you love, especially Josey," Ryan stated.

"Thanks; I guess that's what being an intense person gets me. I love hard and hurt even harder," I said, looking down on my hand, bleeding less.

"Your intensity is my favorite quality of yours," Ryan said, wrapping up my hand and causing a smirk on my face. As I made my way to the restroom in my bedroom to change into a different top, I suddenly felt being spun around into an intense kiss on my lips. I pushed Ryan off, not even kissing him back, and looked puzzled at him. Ryan just kissed me... What the fuck!

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