Chapter 2: The fundamentals

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To fully understand quantum mechanics, one has to dive deep into the fundamental of physicis and the math involved. This would require at least 5 years to do so, as it would require extensive knowledge of classical mechanics, advanced calculus, and linear algebra. Luckily for those who wanting to self teach them self quantum mechanics, 3Blue1Brown has an excellent course on linear algebra (on YouTube). As for the rest, khan academy or the organic chemistry tutor on YouTube are a Greste option. But for those wanting to understand the fundamentals theories without going through the complicated math and physics formulas involved, well you've come to the right place. Anyways, continuing from where we last ended in the last chapter. We established that quarks make up protons and neutrons, but not all subatomic particles. A proton is made up of two "up" quarks and one "down" quark, while a neutron is made up of two" down" and one "up."  Besides up and down quarks, there are other types of quarks too. These includes Strange, Charmed, Top, Bottom, and Doc.

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