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  "Goodbye my love, make sure to write. I'll miss you both dearly." My mother says, kissing both of our foreheads. We were at Platform 9,3/4, boarding the train. I was walking close behind Max, through the corridors, looking for an empty cabin. We couldn't find a completely empty cabin, so we settled for one with one other girl in it. She was blonde, definitely had a tough resting face, and blue eyes. She was watching the families through the train window.

When she looked up from the window, to see me and my brother she smiled. "Hello," she said carefully. "I'm Daphne. And you two?" She was very kind, I could tell by her soft voice. "I'm Mila, Mila Yaxley. And this is" before I finished, I was cut off by Daphne.

"Oh, now I know who you are. And your Max?" she said looking at my brother. Her eyes soften as she looks at my brother. "Yes, hello." Max says softly, his gaze softening looking at her as well. Me and Max sat down in the booth. I was resting my head on the window. My brother and Daphne were having a conversation when interrupted by a girl looking through our cabin. She had brown, bushy hair, and a worried look on her face. "Excuse me, but have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost his." I nodded my head, "No." The girl turned on her heels to walk further down the hallway with a disappointed look on her face.


After a couple hours of talking with Daphne, and after changing into my robes, the train had come to a stop. I read about our luggage getting sent to our dorms before, so I left my bags in the cabin shelves and walked out. Max was close behind me, practically walking on my heels.

"Firs' years, this way!" I turned at the sound, shocked to see an abnormally large man with a long bushy beard. All the first years had bundled in front of him. I turned to my right hearing a small boy exclaim. "Hello Hagrid!" It was the boy from Madam Malkins-It was Harry Potter.

I'd be best to stay away from him during my time at Hogwarts. Everyone knows my family's name, and they know what they do. To associate with The Boy Who Lived would be terrible.

The walk to the boats was short. Max stepped in first, and offered his hand to me, guiding me into the boat. Sitting down, I ran my hands through the water. It was deep, and dark.

More kids had stepped into their boats now. The last group, was assigned to the boat Max and I shared. It was a group of three boys, all short. Two with brown hair, rather big. The other boy? Piercing, platinum hair. Easily recognized, definitely the boy talking to Harry at Madam Malkins.

The boats continued gliding through the water. Holding a lantern, I point towards the castle appearing through the clouds. Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I knew it all too well. Dropping my hand, I noticed Hogsmeade in front of it, and the Whomping Willow tree towards the back. I read all about it in Hogwarts, A History. I read it has a "mind of its own." Sounds like crap to me, but perhaps a visit to it sometime would give me the proper answer.

  We had finally made it to shore, and were walking up the corridors of Hogwarts, before coming to a stop. Professor McGonagall stood at the top of the staircase. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." I watched as the platinum blonde boy had gave a nod to the two boys he was standing with. "Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking, and you will loose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most point is awarded the house cup."

Professor McGonagall was quickly cut off by a boy jumping through the crowd. "Trevor!" He exclaims, picking up his toad. He took a step back, realizing he interrupted her. "Sorry.." he muttered. Must've been Neville. Mcgonagall continued. "Sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." She had walked away.

  "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The platinum, slick back blonde stated. People around us had started whispering, turning their heads to talk about the news. "This is Crabbe, Goyle, and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Thats how I knew him. He looks just like his father. Lucius has the vivid platinum hair. How could I not see it before? Ofcourse he's Lucius's son. The attitude, the hair.

  At this point now, Draco was interrogating a red haired boy next to Potter. "Think my names funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair, and a hand-me down robe? You must be a Weasley." The boy gulped, and Draco turned his attention back to Harry. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He finished the last sentence by raising his hand, waiting on a hand shake from Harry. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Harry snapped.Frustrated with Harry's response, Draco had been tapped on the shoulder my McGonagall. "We are ready for you now, follow me." The kids had followed the professor in pairs of two.

  Entering the Great Hall, I took a moment to process everything. It was so beautiful. Some girl had mention how the ceiling is bewitched, but I was too distracted to listen. The rest of the students were sitting in their house tables. Four rows of tables lined the room.

  Potter had been sorted to Gryffindor, and all the sudden I refused to be in that house. I wanted to be just a week ago, but now, no. I can't get closer with the Potter boy. It would only cause trouble.

  Alphabetically, I was to be sorted before Max. "Yaxley, Mila." My fingers were going numb. I walked slowly to the stool, and took a seat. "Yaxley, hm?" The hat questioned. "I see. I drive to prove yourself, oh yes. Cold, cold girl." How could the hat know this much about me? "Not Gryffindor. Not Gryffindor." I whisper. "Not Gryffindor, eh? How come? You could be great in there. Your brave, you have drive. Well, must be... Slytherin!"

  A feeling of relief rushed through my body. I took a seat at the Slytherin table. Only moments later my brother was sorted into... Gryffindor?

  I was okay that Max had been in Gryffindor. It definitely fit his personality more than Slytherin would. I also knew I would do anything to protect him from our parents wrath of anger.

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