Chapter Two: Who even are you?

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Wolf might have felt sorry for them, if he didn't have his own job to worry about. He was still in his first week of working as a security guard for the big Rikan Incorporation building just a few blocks from the Post Office. Of course, he only worked afternoons and nights. It was almost time for him to be early for his afternoon shift, but as he walked closer toward the building, he saw Cinder herself running away from it.


Cinder whipped her head around, searching frantically for whatever voice called out for her. She didn't look like she was exactly on her a-game.

"Ze'ev?" She breathed out, not loud enough for anyone normal to hear. But, because of his abnormal and 'wolf-like' senses, he heard her.

"Did you know Thorne is out galavanting in The Rampion today? He left the post office unlocked and unoccupied." Wolf said, advancing near her.

"What!" She said, "He did what?"

"He's doing it as we speak."

"Ugh." Cinder let out a string of curses, all for Thorne. How could he be so stupid? This better be the worst goddamn emergency in his entire life, because if not, she was already on her way of planning his death in 74 different ways. "Could you, I don't know, maybe find him for me? I have all these letters to deliver, and I know your shift doesn't start until half an hour from now. Please?"

Wolf considered. He basically knew all the places Thorne would go, if he ever left during work hours. "Okay, fine. But, you owe me." He thought for a minute. "I get two boxes of fancy looking envelopes," he paused, then grinned, which was a weird look for him, "for free. Oh, and stamps."

Cinder stared at him. She blinked. Odd request. Yet, Wolf always made the oddest requests. "I can definitely make that happen, but why would you need so many envelopes?"

"I want to write letters to Scarlet."

"Really?" She quirked an eyebrow, as a comfortable smirk settled on her lips. In a matter of seconds, she'd managed to melt back into her usual confident self. "You've barely had a conversation with her. And, no offense, I don't really see you as the 'sending love letters' type of guy." It was true. Wolf was huge.

"Letters aren't conversations. She won't have the chance to put in her own replies until the very end, and that's all I need right now." Then, he blushed. He couldn't help it. "And I never said they were going to be love letters. Stars."

"Alright," Cinder laughed. Wolf was head-over-heels in love with Scarlet. She was his favorite barista in his favorite cafe, and he'd liked her from the very minute she cursed him for drinking all black coffee. Haven't you ever tasted sugar? "Okay, whatever. Thanks, Wolf. Oh, and lock up the Post Office until Thorne can happily take on his duties once more." She threw him the keys.

Wolf caught the keys, and barely had the chance to jerk his head into a nod before Cinder took off running. The fastest she could get away from Rikan Inc, the better, he guessed. He wondered what had happened in there.

She's so strange, Ze'ev thought for the millionth time since he first met her.


Cress Darnel was in the passenger seat of a rusty white van with a stranger who was probably about four years her senior, and he had promised her to sit in a cafe and talk about her dreams as her life took a whirlwind for the worst.

In this moment, she could only think about her stupid, well-written letter to the jerks that denied her over at Lunar Publishing. She considered just going home and deleting the whole thing, and instead send them a piece of her frustrated, confused, and definitely angry mind.

The Post Office: The Lunar Chronicles AUWhere stories live. Discover now