Chapter Three: Are you sure you didn't have anything to do with this?

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If someone were to describe Levana Blackburn with only one word, that word would be powerful. Right next to it would be vain. She definitely tried her best to fit up to these expectations, all the while being rude as well. And that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that her sister, Channary Blackburn, was even worse than Levana.

And together they owned the most influential media publishing company to ever exist.

It was true, of course, that Levana had started her infatuation with Rikan Incorporation entirely a joke. She didn't actually care about the company at all at first; she was just using it as a ploy to prove to Channary that she could be just as manipulative with her work as she could be.

Although, that was before she met Kai Prince.

Now it wasn't so much of a joke anymore.

Levana guessed you could say that her infatuation shifted from the company to the company's heir. She wasn't embarrassed about it, though it seemed that Kai was. He just wasn't as opened to their attraction as she was.

He should be, Levana thought. After all, she had the power to close down Rikan Inc. for good. It was already apparent that Rikan himself was sick and dying. It would be easy for Levana to slip in a rumor or two in this week's newspaper of how his sickness and, eventual death, was tied to the company's faulty manufacturing.

Because that's all it took, really. Just some words on paper, some words online, and a group of idiots to believe them. Good thing earth was filled with idiots.

It was also a good thing that words had the ability to spread and hurt just like fire does. And fire was a concept Levana knew all too well.


When Wolf finally got to Rikan Inc, five minutes before his shift was supposed to start, he pushed through the glass door only to find the lobby completely empty. Well, except for Kai Prince, who was standing behind the counter.

"Mr. Prince?" He asked.

Kai, still stuck in his thoughts about his father and Cinder, jumped at the call of his name. "Yes?"

"Ah... I'm here for the guard duty? My shift starts in a couple of minutes."

"Oh, you didn't get the email? All employees have been given a vacation week."

Wolf raised an eyebrow. "A vacation week?"

"A free week off."

"So, I'm not working today?"

"I suppose not."

"Huh. Well, alright. Thank you, Mr. Prince."

Wolf turned around and started to walk back to the glass entrance door, when Kai actually called out to stop him. "Hey, you're guard Kesley, right?"

He turned back around and gave the faintest of smiles. "That would be me."

"You're, uh, you're friends with that guy that works with the Post Office, right?"

"You mean Thorne? Yeah, I know him. He's my college roommate."

"Oh. Cool. So... You know the girl that also works at the Post Office?"

"You mean Cinderella?"

Kai looked up at Wolf with a questioning gaze, all the while a smile grew on his face. "Cinderella meaning Cinder, right?"

Wolf quirked his lips into a small smile. "Yeah. That's our nickname for her. She hates it."

Kai hung his head down and blushed. Cinderella, huh? It wouldn't have bothered him all that much if his last name wasn't Prince.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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