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Breaking Barriers: A Conversation with Daisy Shaw

by spencer conway

From the moment she welcomes me into her charming but surprisingly humble home in Newcastle, England I understand why there is such a hype growing around Daisy Shaw. The trailblazing driver is set to embark on her sophomore season in the world's most prestigious racing series. With her steely gaze and quiet confidence, she exudes a sense of determination that belies her years, a testament to the resilience and tenacity that have brought her to this moment.

Shaw has left the kettle brewing and within seconds she's offering me tea and biscuits. We settle onto her couch, the cosy warmth of her living room providing a stark contrast to the adrenaline fuelled environment she usually inhabits. The room is adorned with all sorts of trinkets and mementos, each one telling a story of its own. From vintage racing memorabilia to quirky knick-knacks collected on her travels it's made clear to me that this space is well-loved and lived in.

As we settle into our conversation, Daisy's passion for racing becomes palpable, her eyes alight with the thrill of the upcoming season and the challenges that lie ahead. But beneath the surface, there's a quiet intensity – a fire burning within her that fuels her ambition and propels her forward in pursuit of her dreams.

"Daisy, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. You've become an inspiration to countless young girls around the world who dream of following in your footsteps. How does it feel to know that you're breaking down barriers and paving the way for the next generation of female drivers?"

What surprises me the most is her almost embarrassed reaction to being labelled an inspiration. "It's truly humbling to hear that I'm making an impact, however small it may be. Growing up, I didn't see many women in motorsport, so to be able to inspire young girls to pursue their passions – whether it's racing or any other male-dominated field – means the world to me. At the end of the day though I'm here because I want to win just like every other driver in this sport."

"Following on from that Daisy you've often spoken about the importance of talent and determination in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in Formula One. Can you tell us about your journey and the challenges you've faced along the way?"

"My journey hasn't been easy, that's for sure. I've faced my fair share of setbacks and doubts, but I've always believed in my abilities and refused to let anyone else define my worth. It's taken years of hard work and sacrifice to get to where I am today. The main issue I encountered was getting sponsors to take me seriously, a problem which my fellow male drivers definitely didn't experience to the same extent. Nobody wanted to risk taking me on in case it all backfired terribly on them until I met Jenson. But every hurdle and every setback has only made me stronger and more determined to succeed."

My curiosity peaks at her casual mention of the former world champion and when I inquire further into their relationship Daisy's expression lights up, a warm smile spreading across her face.

She recalls her first meeting with Button with a fondness, eyes sparkling with gratitude as she informs me "he's been a huge influence on my career from the very beginning. I first met Jenson at a karting championship several years ago now, around the time when I was struggling to secure the sponsors and funding to get into formula 4. I still don't quite understand why he chose me out of everyone there but he saw something in me - raw talent he says, and that was enough to get him to fight for me to get my foot in the door."

As Daisy speaks it further highlights just how much of an impact Jenson has had on her career. Beyond financial support in the early days which Daisy informs me she is still trying to pay him back for, he has served as a mentor, confidant and a source of inspiration who has guided her through the ups and downs of the racing world with wisdom and encouragement.

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