Prologue - Welcome to Despair P1

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Ottoline's POV :

Ring Ring Ring
Your call has ended

I sighed as I didn't get there in time to answer the call, I'm seriously turning deaf, I was just in the bathroom ugh..who would even be calling me at this time anyways.? Hm..wait-? What's the time, I can't really be late for meeting up with..

Flashback, yesterday, 16:40pm :

"What?!" I basically screeched, at what Sayaka said, It was absolutely insane what she was said.

"I mean he is pretty cute though Otter.." she mumbled out, pouting as she cuddled into one of her blankets.

"I say more creepy than cute he is, he knows way to much about you Saya, and it's not just's most." Wearily speaking, clearly abit disgusted, I mean I had my reasons he would just mumble and stare at people half the time. I still remember him last month doing the regular creepy shit he does whilst dead staring me in class!

"Well I mean he only knows what is one the news and online blogs, Otter so technically it isn't his fault—"
"I mean even so he's basically looking for stuff like that, it's basically stalking at that rate Saya."

She sighed, I should probably just drop it for now. I untied my hair and tried to think of a new conversation starter, as I feel the air around us being to feel awkward. Before I could speak though, she spoke.

"Soo, have you had a look on hope peaks website to see our fellow classmates? I heard that they put it up online." She chimed, with her happy expression back on her face

"Oh, that? I mean I haven't checked who they are as I kinda think that's abit creepy you know..but I heard a week ago in Family mart that apparently someone from the biker gang called the 'Crazy Diamonds' is going to be in our's most likely their leader as it would be weird for a random member to be there...but to be far I really don't see why there is a criminal going to be attending the school though i'm abit on edge about this as I mean the previous leader of that gang was on trial before and sadly won the case when he was clearly guilty on the crime, he only won because of the victims lawyer or if your want the technical term for a lawyer being a solicitor was absolutely terrible, he hardly made a effort to defend the victim—" before I could ramble even more Sayaka chucked a pink and white cushion at my face and giggled.

Confusion hit my face at lightning speed and then a understanding look appeared just as quick, I gave her a quick 'I was rambling again wasn't I?' look, she nodded in response smiling like always.

"It's pretty adorable when you start to ramble about what your good at Otter but don't you think it's hypocritical of you for what you said before and then you knowing all of thisss? Huh???" She teased, sticking her tongue at me like a child.

"W-Well I only search stuff up about this too improve my knowledge of what, and not what to do.." stuttering, blushing a tiny bit from embarrassment. "But anyways i should go home now, i think Elouise should be home by now, and I don't want her rummaging in my room—"

"Wait! We should meet up at 7:15 tomorrow, so one we can have breakfast together then also walk to school on our first day of hope peak academy, Otter so don't be late!" She cut me off whilst hurry me downstairs and out the door.


So don't be late..oh fuck! I'm not even ready yet, all what's done is my hair and like my makeup. Scurrying to my wardrobe I just grabbed out random clothing, though making sure they did match, I put them on as I got a BING on my phone, that's probably Sayaka wondering where I was...I should text her back so just not to worry her..

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