Chapter 53. Homecoming & Homesickness

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Consummating the marriage. Ha, ha.

Jett was funny, I could give him that. I had thought long and hard about what he said before we left. Now that we were engaged, sex was bound to happen.

And I had a feeling that Soarynn didn't want to wait until our actual wedding night. I sure wasn't a virgin, and I was beginning to wonder if Jett was.


A human being like that had to have a few bodies for sure, he was too confident, too funny, too...Jett.

Last night would've been a good night to jump the gun and jump in bed with each other, finally giving Soarynn the night she deserved. But we were too tired, too emotionally distraught to even think about having sex.

Hell, I couldn't even think about a shower , let alone taking my boxers off. I had showered since I woke up, feeling refreshed and ready for this evening. It was noon, and I was the only one up on this train.

I had asked some of the attendants if they had seen Eudora, but even she was still asleep. Maybe this was her way of hibernation after something as stressful as this Tour.

I didn't even think about waking Soarynn up, the poor thing had been through so much yesterday, she deserved to have sweet dreams as long as she could.

I had slept wonderfully. A small part of me was scared that I still wouldn't be able to get a good night's sleep, even after proposing. But I slept like the dead.

You're engaged , I thought as I looked out the window. I was in the dining car, enjoying my brunch as we drove back to the Capitol.


How different things would be when we returned. I had tuned into a recording of Lucky's show since I woke up, the man went nuts, somewhat livid that he wasn't the first to find out, and somewhat fangirling over our engagement.

He also mentioned finding us at tonight's party to get a quick interview and official statement, so I made a mental note to avoid him at all costs.

It shouldn't be hard, people were probably already lining the streets to be let into our house. We would need to start to get ready by three, and by we I meant Soarynn.

One of the attendants said we'd arrive by seven, which meant we'd be going to bed by four. Typical.

As much as I enjoyed my alone time, I was beginning to grow bored. Now that I didn't have my dreadful thoughts occupying my mind anymore, I could focus on more important things.

Like Soarynn.


So I grabbed a muffin and headed to our bedroom, surprised to find her awake, hunched over on the bed, writing on a notepad. "...and the Mayor in Four who told us the most wonderful stories about his wife, he made us feel like we were living in his memories of her."

I walked over to the bed, clearing my throat and causing her to jump, "Oh, good morning Coryo," she said, looking up at me with a smile.

I presented her with the muffin, "Breakfast for my lovely fiance," I said, causing her to smile even wider. "You're never gonna stop saying that are you?" She asked as she took the muffin from me.

I grinned as I sat down next to her, "Nope," I said proudly, I saw no reason to ever stop saying it. Soarynn rolled her eyes before biting into the muffin, "How did you sleep?" She asked me, running her fingers through her hair.

I closed my eyes, "I slept wonderfully," I said, happy I could finally get some well-deserved rest. She hummed, "Me too, yesterday was so busy," she said, picking up her pen again.

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