Chapter Two

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The last thing I wanted to do after a long ass flight was have a long ass drive. After said long ass drive all I wanted to do was enjoy my home that I had been away from for almost a year. Would that happen? Of course not.

I made the mistake of telling Landon I was home today. Then he insisted that he should celebrate my return home, which I assumed didn't require me there. I was wrong.

Of all times, why did it have to be the same day I was back? Was I not allowed to recover? Instead, I had to suffer the long ass drinks with him and probably Cassie, who I did need to see either way, but she would happily wait until another day when I wasn't jet lagged and exhausted.

I sat in my car outside of Cassie's bar for at least twenty minutes, resting my head against the window as advertisements played through the stereo. Meanwhile, my phone was buzzing with messages from Landon about my whereabouts. Granted, I was meant to be inside thirty minutes ago, I could only blame traffic so much considering it was a Tuesday evening. What sort of person even wants to drink on a Tuesday? My fucking friends.

Fuck, travelling did turn me into more of an asshole. Didn't make any of my thoughts less true.

Knowing I couldn't put it off any longer, I got out of my car and walked inside. Chances are I could use the travelling to my advantage and leave within an hour. Hopefully. One of the bouncers greeted me at the door and led the way to the back where the stairs up to the rooftop were. Each of the workers nodded and smiled at me, all of them the same as when I left. With it being the middle of the week, there were very few people there. Before I reached the top, I could hear soft, mellow music playing.

"There you are. Where have you been?" Landon practically paraded me the minute I reached the top, not giving me a chance to breathe as he wrapped me in the tightest hug he'd ever given me. This was not the usual Landon. He must've really missed me.

I pointed down to the car park where I was. "Right there. I've been sitting in my car for twenty minutes. Did this seriously have to be tonight?" I turned towards the bar and stopped short when I finally took in my surroundings.

In the midst of my complaining, I had failed to take in the fact that the rooftop was far too crowded. There were friends of mine here, Landon's sister who was like my sister in all ways other than blood, and a lot of workers from Wolfe International. None of them knew I was home. In all of this, Cassie wasn't even there.

I was not ready to talk work yet, I'd much rather this have been close friends like Landon promised. Scratch that, I'd much rather be home.

Nathan was the first person from the crowd to approach me. "When were you planning on telling us you're back?"

"Whenever I showed up at the office. I've been gone for a year, I'm sure you'd survive another couple of days." I said, accepting the drink he handed me. I could only have one, it would get me through. "Did you miss me that much?"

"You know I did. Carter has been bitching, he needs someone to put him in his place."

"Carter? Why?"

"Someone borrowed his stapler two months ago and we've never heard the end of it," Nathan said, rolling his eyes.

I felt like I was back in highschool trying to fix the issues within my company. The only issues my workers had were bullshit things like this, most of the time I could entertain it, but I had my limits. "Did he get it back?"

"Adrian, I was the one who took it. I wasn't going to go to the stationary cupboard when his office is closer. I was going to give it back until he set up an entire meeting in the department - it's my department, can he do that?"

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