Chapter 4

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Kim Hyunjin and Wong Kahei saw the pamphlets and were afraid of being an ambush and ran from there along the left path where they ended up in a city that was still being built, and ironically, the fate that was in charge of the project was the Former janitor at the school, the two girls helped build every little house in that city, their entrance was in the middle of a mud road without any sign.

During a welcome dinner the girls discovered that they would soon have new neighbors and that they had already hit the road but as it was far away it would take them a while to get there, they also talked about the girls there. In a newspaper that the caretaker bought in the neighboring city they discovered that now the Artms were together and in a safe place, everyone was happy but they asked themselves what about the others?

In the forest, the girls debated whether it would be better to follow Haseul or go the other way as there were no lights.

Just like the others, they were afraid of everything going wrong and not finding the Villa where Haseul would be, they preferred to go the second way.

Hyeju as she now wanted to be known was in front, Yeojin in the middle and the sweet couple in the back, the youngest of the group was disturbed to extreme levels, not even her girlfriend helped her, she was the one who teased the girls the most.

During the journey, Yves found another path, the girls couldn't see anymore if she wanted to follow that one they would support her.

So at the end of the night the three friends arrived at a brick house that looked like it hadn't been finished, they were tired so they knocked on the door.

To everyone's surprise, Hyunjin and Vivi answered, the Chinese woman, along with Chaewon and Yeojin, started crying while Hyunjin laughed and Hyeju had no reaction.

After having dinner and realizing that the best thing was for them to stay together and fight for their happy endings.

But they still wanted the 12 together again

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