Victoria - Boys with Wings

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The boys with wings were leaving.

In the centre of the prayer circle, the Reverend was demonstrating his great love for the sound of his own voice. Oblivious to the so-called 'Angels' sneaking away from him, he conducted an invisible choir of seraphim in the sky while belting out the bass line.

Having overheard every word of Tyler and Miguel's rapid, quiet conversation, I was certain they would not be returning the next day. I was equally certain that I had no choice but to trust them.

This was my last chance.


They hesitated and then looked back. I jumped to my feet, surrounded by Angelists. My tentative plan of sneaking away had been smashed. I had one option left.

I slipped off my hoodie and let my wings unfold through the opening left by five open buttons in the back of the blouse I was wearing back to front.

My abnormally large grey eyes held their startled gaze as the Angelists' hymn stuttered to an end.

"O Lord!" the Reverend exclaimed. "Another Angel has descended unto us!"

The Angelists closed in around me with cries of hysterical praise, reaching out to stroke my feathers.

Instinctively, my wings folded tight. I lifted one hand to protect my face, the other clutched my hoodie and backpack close to my chest.

"O Angels, you have heard our song and have raised another Angel from among our ranks!" the Reverend exulted. "We are truly blessed here in the sight of the Lord, on this day, in this holy place!"

Unfortunately it was obvious that not all of the Reverend's followers were feeling particularly blessed by my presence.

"But she is not one of us, not truly!" a woman cried. "She is not of the church! She only heard the call this morning! Why is she the chosen one?"

"It is not our place to question His will," an older woman shouted.

The happy flock was turning on each other and I couldn't see a way out. My only chance was disappearing fast. I felt the panic rise inside me as I tried to explain. "I'm really not—"

And then Chuck, the one who had grabbed my butt twice this morning, said, "Maybe this one is different from the other two, Reverend? She has lied to us. Could it be that we have found a fallen angel? I can talk to her alone if you want me to? I'm familiar with the ways of the—"

"Silence!" roared the Reverend. "Brothers! Sisters! The Angel is but newborn! A baby in the hands of the Lord!"

My whole body was shaking, my breath sharp and jagged. The Reverend pushed his way through the crowd. "You were sent to us today for a reason, child," he said. "Now you know your true calling. It is to walk with the Angels."

I couldn't speak, my eyes silently begged him to let me go.

"Our brothers and sisters are only human, and it takes time to comprehend the full majesty and righteousness of our Lord. His movements are mysterious, but always true. In time," he gave Chuck a stern look, "we pray we might find understanding and acceptance. We plead with you to stay with us so that we may learn from you and in turn teach you what you need to know for your long and difficult journey ahead. The Angelists are devoted to serving the Lord and His Angels, in whatever way and however you wish."

"I wish ..." I cleared my throat. "I wish to speak with the Angels."

The Reverend bowed and stepped aside, forcing some of the other Angelists to move back and out of his way. Reluctantly, the rest of the group parted, opening a narrow corridor between me and the stunned boys.

Trying to keep my head high, my wings shivering, I took a few steps towards freedom, then a few more.

Until the first person broke.

"She can't leave us!"

My nerves snapped and catapulted me into a sprint.

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