Chapter 20

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( Chapter idea credited to Taylor Nicole Irwin! Thanks for the idea! )
Austin's Point of View
"Austin, I'm ..."

There was a pause

"Babe ar-"

"I'm not your babe!" She snapped

"S-Sorry." I stuttered "bu-"

"Austin I'm tired of trying to make our relationship work!"

My breath got caught in my throat


A stinging sensation came onto my eyes

"I'm tired of all this! Trying to make us work out!"

Tears started streaming down my face as she continued. I clenched on my phone tighter and my eyes looking out.

"Can we meet up and at least talk about it?" I asked trying hard not to break out

"No. Y-You will hear my out. After what I saw, I-I'm not ready to face you."

By the way she's talking, I can tell she's trying hard not to cry. I can imagine her face with nothing but pain. Before I had time to respond, she started talking again

"Austin, I love you. You know that right?"

"I love you too but-"

"But nothing Austin. I'm tired of this.  I'm done with it. I'm tired of being in a relationship with you but being so afraid that when you leave, you'll go out and cheat on me again like you always do"

I swallowed with more tears coming out. Suddenly realizing how much pain I put her through. 

I decided to stay quiet and hear her out

"I-I'm done with all the pain, the tears, the lies. I'm tired of thinking we'll ever have that fairytail relationship I've always dreamt of and broken promises! "

"We can work it out baby!" I sobbed

"I'm not your baby Austin! Why don't you understand that?!"

I took in deep breaths trying to calm down but hopelessly failing

"Obviously those are what I'm always getting whenever I'm with you and trying to give you a chance" She continued "I'm tired of thinking you will come back around and love me the way I love you and the way you use to love me, or I thought you did. Things will never be the same.."

That broke my heart

"Becky, you know I love you. You know I'll do anything to make it to you..." 

My words started trembling into a whisper

"If you really loved me, you'd never hurt me this much."


"Enough with the buts! Nothing you say could ever make up what you've put me through!"

I stayed quiet. Thinking what to say 

A long pause filled the air. Nothing but my deep breaths and her silent sobs. 

The fact that I'm the reason she's crying hurts me even more

"I-I'm sorry Becky..."

She didn't reply

I sighed and talked again

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered


Hearing her sigh, she spoke

"If you were really sorry, you wouldn't have hurt me again. Especially by kissing my best friend. We're done Austin. I'm done with giving you constant chances"

"please... I n-need you.." I choked out on my words

My fingers ran through my hair then lied my head against the steering wheel

"We're done."

"please... just let me make it up to you.." i begged

"....No... Austin Carter Mahone, the guy I called my best friend, the guy I fell in love with and the guy who I trusted with all my heart. I never thought you'd be the guy who'd also hurt me this much and break all those promises"

By now, you can hear her sobbing loudly

"Becky...." I whispered softly

"just leave me alone. please. It's better for the both of us.."

"I'm sorry Becky! I-"

But before I completed what I was going to say, she hung up.

I threw my head back and let out a loud shout


I dialled Taylor's phone but it went straight to voice mail.

I tried again but it never went through

I tried again... and again.. and again..

But it never went through

I climbed out of my car and took another deep breaths to calm me down. But it's not working. I need to let my anger out

I slammed my phone to the ground and punched the side of my car, leaving a dent. My fist hurts like hell but that didn't bother me. I just lost the love of my life again. All because of my stupid mistakes.

I slid down the side of my car and let the tears drop on the palm of my hand. Not caring who's watching. I'm a mess. It's just like what happened in Texas all over again.

Why do I have to be this way and break girls hearts?

I stayed in that position for a while. Letting all my emotions out.

It's time to move on Austin. Let her go. She deserves someone better than you. Someone who wont hurt her.

End of POV

Becky's Point of View
"....No... Austin Carter Mahone, the guy I called my best friend, the guy I fell in love with and the guy who I trusted with all my heart. I never thought you'd be the guy who'd hurt me this much and break all those promises"

I couldn't take it anymore. Now he finally knows what I feel

"Becky...." he whispered softly

His soft voice.. makes me fall for him all over again but I can't do this

"just leave me alone. please. It's better for the both of us.."

"I'm sorry Becky! I-"

I didn't give him a chance to explain before I hung up on him. He doesn't deserve another chance.

I didn't realize how hard I was crying until I felt myself shaking. Taylor came next to me and gave me a warming hug.

Hugging back, I cried in her shoulder.

How could my best friend go behind my back and kiss the one person she knows I love?

I guess she never really got over him..

And neither did Austin.

"Do you want to spend a night here with me?" Taylor offered

I looked up at her and saw that she really did care

"s-sure" I stuttered

She smiled weakly at me

"I'm sorry Becky. Austin is an asshole. He doesn't deserve you."

"I know..."

I hugged my knees close to my chest and pushed a stand of my hair behind my ear

"I'll be right back" Taylor said before leaving

I nodded and started thinking. 

Sighing, I closed my eyes and lied my head on my knees

Thinking what I did to deserve this.

Everything that had happened. 

After what seemed like forever, Taylor came back

"Where did you go?" I asked trying to keep my mind off what had happened

"Just had to make a quick call. What do you wanna do?"

"Anything to keep my mind off Austin and what happened just now" I said with a fake smile

She nodded and we started having a conversation

I can't believe Taylor became from such a bitch to someone who helped me through my weakest time

"Taylor," I started

She looked at me and smiled

"I really appreciate what you're doing. It means a lot how you're helping me through this" 

"No problem Becky. After seeing what you're going through, you need someone."

I smiled at her. A real smile.

"So how's the baby doing?" I asked changing the subject

She started smiling

"She's doing great! She's back in Texas with Patrick. "

"You're leaving on Friday?"


I pouted. I didn't really want her to leave so soon

"I'm actually going to miss you" I admitted

"Im going to miss you too. I promise I'll visit you sometimes."

I was going to respond but there was a knock at the door. Taylor got up to open it

"Come in" I heard her say

I started playing with my hair in boredom

"Hey Becky!" I heard someone squeal

I looked up and smiled

"Mickey!!" I yelled in excitement and ran to hug her

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Taylor called. She told me what you're going through and  I came"

I looked at her in aww

"Thanks for coming. I really need a close friend"

For some reason, something doesn't feel right

I looked at what she was holding. It was ice cream

"Oh, here. You need it"

I grabbed it from her and went back to the bed

I opened the lid, grabbed the spoon from Mickey and started eating it

"And I also have something to tell you...." Mickey said

I looked up and her confused

So did Taylor.

Taylor took a seat next to me but Mickey stayed standing

"And that is....?"

She took in a breath and looked at me

"Look, don't get mad at me after I tell you this but-"

"Just tell me Mickey." I said trying not to lose it

She sighed

"Sarah and I are the ones that sent you that picture of Austin and Ari kissing......"

My eyes widened and I choked


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