Chapter 22

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 *7 months later*


I sat quietly in class, tapping my pen against my desk. Waiting for the last bell to ring

3:27. Just 3 more minutes until I could get out of this hell hole

I shut my English textbook shut and put my notebook in my bag. As I was about to put away my binder, the bell rang


I swung my bag around my shoulder and quickly made my way out before anyone could push me. I made my way towards my locker and put in the combination. I stuffed my textbooks inside and slammed it shut. 

Sighing, I leaned against my locker waiting for Rita

I hate Mondays

Taking out my phone, I was about to text her til I heard my name being called

"Hey Becky!" she greeted 

"Hey Rita!"

Smiling, we quickly hugged

Her name is Ritalind but she prefers to be called Rita, as I'd rather be called Becky instead of Rebecca

"Are you doing anything later?" she asked walking with me towards my car

"Nope. Just finishing some homework and maybe skyping with Alex tonight"

She nodded and climbed in my car

Taylor, Alex, Mickey, Robert, and Sarah left back to Texas months ago. I missed them like crazy. Even though I have Rita here with me, it's not the same without them. I think Ariana did too but I could care less.

Rita has never met them but I always talked about them to her. I needed someone to talk to and she was there

We buckled up. I put the key in the ignition and started it up

"Want to stay over tonight? Maybe now you can finally meet the people I've been talking and annoying you about for months now"

She laughed

"Are you sure? Because I don't want them to think I'm trying to steal you away from them" she joked

I rolled my eyes playfully

"Do you want to stay over or not?"

"Yea sure I'd love to meet the people who was there for my baby when she was upset" she coo'd and pinched my cheek

I swatted her hand away and glared

"I need to call my mom first though and let her know"

I nodded

She took out her phone and called her mom, Joan 

Rita and I met 6 months ago when school first started. I was new, so she showed me around. We have only 3 classes together, which sucks because I get lonely. Like I said before, I hate socializing with people. I get to weird and awkward. It's a miracle how me and Rita became friends.

"She said it's ok. I still have some clothes there, right?"

"Yes. You're stayed over tons of times. I'm pretty sure you have a few"

"So Becky.." she started

Uh ohh. This shouldn't be good

"What is it now Rita?"

Usually when she starts like that, I know she wants something

"Chill, I don't want anything. But Tony was totally checking you out today. Have you ever considered dating anyone?"

I huffed deeply and exhaled through my nose

"No, like I told you before I'm not ready for dating yet. I'm taking a break from all that shit"

"Relax geez I was just asking"

I felt bad. She doesn't know about me and Austin. Don't get me wrong, I love her but I don't know her enough to tell her something that personal

Besides, he's getting famous now. She probably wont believe me.

Silence filled the air. Rita reached out to turn on the radio

Finally, some music to listen to

"Burnin' up burnin' up show' em what you got yea you got it baby let it show. Uh huh. let's turn it up turn it up let me know what's up. Don't just stand there girl I gotta kno-"

I quickly shut off the radio and held in the tears

"Why did you turn it off?! I was really enjoying that song!"

I sighed heavily

"Because I don't feel like listening to that"

"Why not? I think it's from that Austin Mahoney kid. Girls at school keeps talking about him and you know, he's pretty cute"

Mahoney? Jesus Christ can she shut up

"Yea I heard. But he's not all that"

"We wouldn't know. I heard he lives here but I never actually got to see him. I'd want to though. But-"

"Ok Rita lets just drop this. I don't feel like talking about that asshole" I blurted

It sounded meaner than it was when I said it in my head

She quickly quiet down

No one said a thing for 2 minutes

"Rita, I'm sorry I snapped. I just don't like him"

"No it's ok. I can get annoying sometimes"

I wanted to tell her otherwise but I knew I wasn't going to win with her, so I kept my mouth shut

My house came to view. I parked out and got out

We walked inside and was greeted by my mom

"Hi sweetie. Hey Ritalind. How was school?"

"Hey Mrs. Springs" she hugged her

"School was fine. But is it ok if Rita stays over tonight? I want her to see Alex"

She thought about it for a second

"Fine but lights out at 11. Got that?"

I rolled my eyes and knew I wasn't going to listen but I agreed anyways

"Yes mom."

We ran towards my room

I threw my bag aside along with Rita and plopped on my bed

I was about to start on my homework when I got a text

It was from a random number

"Hey" was what it read

I shrugged and ignored it. Probably from someone at school

Rita and I started on our homework and wasted time until 6 so we can skype

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