Act I, chapter 7: Haunted Hearts

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Astarion POV

"What did you do Astarion?" coolly demands Shadowheart, arms crossed, eyes accusatively squinted at you and lips in a tight angry pout.

You didn't even realize she approached you, but you notice the wizard coming your way, clearly in the same spirits, his fists clenched and steps heavy. You don't answer, still in shock. It's taking all of your strength to save face with your hurt pride.

"That is right, it is time to explain yourself", he adds a tad more gently than the half-elf, but somehow as teeth grinding as metal grating against cold hard stone.

You snap.

"-That's none of your business!

-Obviously it is, they left in a hurry after talking with you, and were crackling with Wild Magic. They didn't experience any surge since our meeting with Kagha.

-You are the only culprit, you can save the innocent act for more gullible people" finally barks Shadowheart at your ears.

You're angry, confused, frustrated, humiliated and now you're being screamed at? That is all too much, your stomach twists and you quickly turn heels to enter your tent. You grab the drape, and right before pulling it down dramatically after yourself, you hiss:

"Fuck them. And the both of you. Go fuck each other for all I care."

As you try to appease yourself, you hear them exchange words in a lower voice.

"-He's useless. We need to find Elen.

-Let the ranger have some time alone, Shadowheart. Besides, these surges can be dangerous to us. I hypothesize that is why they went into the woods with their wolf. If both are not back by sunset, we will search for them.

-As much as it irritates me, you may be right, wizard. Fine. Until sunset then."

They finally part ways and get back to whatever dull tasks they were occupied at to begin with, before meddling in your affairs. You sigh in relief. Then you remember the blood canteen in your hand, and glance at it. You huff, thinking about what in the Hells could have gone through their mind. You met the criterions of their strange contract: telling the others about your vampirism, sharing a chosen few of your secrets, building that 'trust' they seem to crave. Why then? Why weren't they falling into your perfectly crafted charms? This was supposed to be an easy transaction, one where you would have gained an ace to hide in your sleeve. It feels like it isn't worth all the trouble, and yet you don't have that many other options. Where else were you going to slip into a group of adventurers skilled enough to survive the travel to the Gate? Who else would even consider foolishly offering you a seat at their table?

"You cannot survive without me, boy. You only know to smile and part your legs for prey. No soul in their right mind would welcome such a monster under their roof."

"Shut up!" you silently shout at the recollection, but it isn't enough to stop His next poisoned words to slither into your mind once more.

"You are nothing without your Master, you hear me? You ungrateful wretch! Maybe you need another year in a tomb to remember. Is that what you wish for? But I suppose a week in the kennels with Godey will suffice, for now."

"I beg of you, don't!" You could break your teeth with the violence it takes to grind your jaw shut, to stop the memory of your plea from escaping your mouth.

Party POV

Elen finally came back to camp, appearing calmer than earlier if not for the puzzled expression still lingering on their face, distractedly scratching Wild Howl between the ears. The others are sat at the campfire, Gale waves an inviting hand and Wyll uncorking a bottle to give to the newcomer.

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