Chapter 2: Finding Eclipse

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Tangle left the museum and went out to go find Eclipse. She knew that he could be anywhere since he is generally very out and about. He could never sit still since he was always on the run, whether it was doing training, going on GUN missions with siblings, Shadow and Twilight, as well as the rest of Team Dark, Rouge and Omega, or just out adventuring on his own. But she was going to have to find him if she wanted to tell him how she truly feels about him. She felt nervous as she knows that Eclipse never really shows his feelings or emotions so it was hard to read him or tell how he's truly feeling. Her heart was beating loudly at the thought of her being rejected or struggling to tell him, but she had to be strong to tell him. Because otherwise someone else might win his heart and she doesn't want to lose him to another girl because she was too afraid to tell him how she feels.

Tangle then went to the gym to go find since she knows how much he works out and trains on a daily basis. Surely enough, when she went inside, she found him inside helping a girl with using the weight machines and helping her in strength training and cardio, as well as self defense on the punching bags. Tangle started feeling extremely jealous that he was talking to another girl due to her own feelings for him and made a bit of a jealous face. But she remained calm as she knew that jealousy wouldn't do her any good nor was it necessary. After he was done training her though, he went back to doing his thing, and Tangle approached him nervously and shyly as she felt nervous and shy about talking to him.

Tangle: *shy and nervous* uh h-hey, Eclipse!

Eclipse heard this and turned to look and see who it was, and turned out that it was Tangle. He was surprised to see her here as she never gave him any heads up on if she was coming or not.

Eclipse: hey Tangle. Didn't expect to see you here.

Tangle: *still a little nervous and blushing* y-yeah I probably should've gave you a heads up about that. But anyways how are you?

Eclipse: oh, well I'm doing fine, nothing new. What about you?

Tangle: I'm doing good, not much is new with me either.

Eclipse then looked at her with his usual stoic and emotionless expression, still wondering why she's been looking a bit nervous and shy.

Eclipse: alright then, well what brings you here?

Tangle started sweating a bit as she tried to not stay nervous about what she was going to tell him or what she was going to ask.

Tangle: *blushes nervously* oh uh well, I was actually just looking for you.

Eclipse: huh really?

Tangle: uh y-yes?

Eclipse: oh - well do you want to train and work out with me for another half hour?

Tangle: why don't we do something else? How long have you been training and working out for?

Eclipse: oh I don't know, like practically all day tbh. I don't want to be out of shape.

Tangle: well you don't have to train and workout all day 24/7, you can take a break every once in a while.

Eclipse: *remains silent while listening*

Tangle: also who were you just training and helping out?

Eclipse: it was just some person who needed help operating the weight machines, so I helped her out with it.

Tangle: oh I see, but anyways why don't you take a break? You deserve one.

Eclipse: well it's just that I'm so used to this in my daily routine that I feel committed to it.

Tangle: yeah but you can take breaks every now and then, I tell this to Jewel all the time.

Eclipse: I guess we're both workaholics then.

Tangle let out a big laugh at Eclipse's comment as he was right about what he said.

Tangle: *laughs* hahahaha, good one! That's so true!

Eclipse: yeah it definitely is.

Tangle: anyways come on! Why don't we go do something fun together?! Like go see a movie, or go on the beach. Or maybe even walk in the park or city or go see a skyscraper?

Eclipse thought hard about this, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do exactly, but was fine with doing any of those. But Tangle felt nervous about what he was thinking, so she asked him again shyly and nervously.

Tangle: *nervous* uh s-so what do you say? You want to go or not?

Eclipse then finally responded after some thinking.

Eclipse: yeah sure, we can do that.

Tangle's face brightened up as she was excited and happy that her crush was willing to go with her and spend time with her doing some fun stuff.

Tangle: *extremely happy* awesome!!! Let's get going then!

Eclipse: alright.

They both leave the gym and they start heading for the city and they ran side by side by side with each other and then started walking once they eventually reached the city, but not before they had some interesting conversations about what they've been up to recently.

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