Chapter 4: Eating and spending time together

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Tangle and Eclipse walked down the streets of the city and eventually to the place that they wanted to go eat at. It was a very fancy kind of place, it was decently sized and it had a buffet and a lot of options on their menu.

Tangle: oh so this is the place you were talking about?

Eclipse: Yes it is.

Tangle was surprised at how nice it was and how much it had to offer, she felt very excited as she was getting very hungry and was eager to try out the food.

Tangle: *excited* oh sweet!!! This place looks so great!!!

Eclipse felt happy internally that Tangle was already enjoying it as he didn't know if she would like it or not or whether she was interested in it.

Eclipse: Yep, sure is.

They both took their seats that the server assigned them to, and they waited for their server to come.

Tangle: I already like this place at first glance! I think you made a great choice so far!

Eclipse: Thanks, glad you like it.

Tangle: Sure! *smiles*

Eclipse: Anyways as soon as we get our drinks, we can go to the buffet and get some food beforehand. They have salad, Mac and cheese, vegetables, mashed potatoes, etc.

Tangle: Alright! And what do they have on the actual menu?

Eclipse: Well see for yourself

He then gave her a menu to look at the options and he read his menu too, but when Tangle saw all the options, she was very surprised and she was excited to see how many options there are.

Tangle: Wowww!!!! So many options!!!

Eclipse: Yep, told you you'd like it.

Tangle: Why didn't you tell me about this place sooner before?!!!

Eclipse: You never asked.

Tangle: Man I'm really hungry!!! I wish I could try all of these!!!

Eclipse: Well the good news is that you can.

Tangle: Wait what?!

Eclipse: They come around spontaneously and offer you different foods, like pizza, ribs, steak, pork chops, chicken, seafood, etc.

Tangle brightened up at this as she was eager to try out all these foods.

Tangle: Man that's so cool!!! Tho I wouldn't expect anyone to eat all that alone haha.

Eclipse: well don't worry cuz they're meant to be shared, cuz they give you a lot of food that one person wouldn't be able to eat alone.

Tangle: Oh I see! Well let's dig into it then!!!

Eclipse: Alright then.

Resuming point:

They waited until the server came and took their drinks, they had some interesting chats during that time though. Then the server came up and asked them what they would like. She also poured water in their cups too to start.

Server: hello you 2, welcome! *pours water in their cups*

Tangle: Hi!

Eclipse: Hello

Server: What can I get you both to drink tonight besides water? Let's start with you first. *looks at Tangle*

Tangle: I'll take a lemonade please!

Server: *writes* Alright and you? *looks at Eclipse*

Eclipse: I'll take a Coke Zero.

Server: *writes it down* Alright then, I'll have those both out shortly.

Tangle: thanks!

Server: sure you're welcome! Also you can go get some food at the salad bar and buffet during this time.

Tangle: Alright, will do!

Server: Alright then *leaves*

The server left to go place the orders in for their drinks, meanwhile Eclipse and Tangle got up and went to the salad bar and buffet to get some food to start off with.

Tangle: wow - so many options!

Eclipse: yep, you can pick and choose what you'd like.

Tangle: alright!

Eclipse went and got some lettuce for a salad and got some croutons, cheese, and Caesar dressing. He then got some pasta and mushrooms and grapes. Tangle got around the same things, but she added a few more extra things like chili and mashed potatoes, etc. They both got done with getting their food and sat back at their seats.

Eclipse: Holy shit, you just overloaded your plate.

Tangle: oh uh - hehe, sorry about that. Guess I'm just not used to so many foods.

Eclipse: No it's fine, just don't eat too much cuz you don't want to be full for the best part.

Tangle: Alright, and what will that be?

Eclipse: You'll find out.

Tangle: Okay then!

They both started eating their food, and they did enjoy it, it was great to relax after such a long day of training on Eclipse's end. Tangle was loving how the food was and couldn't wait for what Eclipse said to be the best part. Then the server came with the drinks that they ordered.

Server: Alright well here's your lemonade *gives it to Tangle*

Tangle: thank you very much!

Server: sure! And here's your Coke Zero *gives it to Eclipse*

Eclipse: thanks

Server: No problem!

(In the process of writing and finishing...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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