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Lucy ~

Three weeks earlier

Lucy watched as Natsu padded over to her. He swayed slightly but his girlfriend Lisanna was there to support him. It had been three months and now he wanted to talk to her. He hadn't even let her go on any jobs with them.The last time she had tried to talk to him he cut her off half way through and started talking to the youngest of the white haired overtakes. Lucy was usually a happy person but not with Natsu coming to talk to her."Natsu, what do you want?" Lucy said in a hostile voice."Lucy, we want you to leave the team. You were just a replacement for Lisanna anyway."It felt like Lucy's soul shattered.  They didn't want her anymore, she was just a replacement, nothing else.  It's not like she was that strong, there was no reason to keep her. Lucy noticed Erza standing next to Natsu when she moved forward and said kindly,"Why don't you become a soloist and become stronger. You were always weaker than the rest of us. " It felt like Erza had read her mind. Everyone in the guild starred. "It would be a great opportunity to grow." Gajeel was holding onto a very  angry Levy and Wendy just looked  sad. Sitting up straight Lucy plasters a smile on her face."Okay guys, I'll leave. I was just a replacement anyway." Natsu nods his head in agreement.  A sudden wave of overwhelming isolation seemed to wrap itself around her. Turning Lucy didn't say another word as she paid for her drink and left. She made it all the way back to her apartment before she collapsed in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. In the mess of her overwhelming loneliness Lucy couldn't help but think that they were right. She was always holding them back. Natsu or Erza were always saving her.  She had done very little without their help.  Erza was right, she needed to grow, to get stronger. A cold weight settled in her chest.  A determination to be stronger, she would train and train and train until she was stronger than the entire team.  Especially Natsu.  Staying here in Magnolia would not let her grow. With that in mind Lucy decided to take the train in any random direction. That night Lucy packed her things and headed to the guild."Hey Mira, you know if the master is available, I have a question for him." Mira gave Lucy her regular polite smile but there was no kindness behind those eyes. "Oh, hi there Lucy. The master is available." With that she turned and started to talk to Lisanna.Lisanna was always there. Lucy dejectedly walked up the stairs and rapped on the master's door.  Her guild mates attitude toward her only dug the pain deeper and made the coldness in her grow a  little more. "Master, it's me Lucy. Can I come in?""Of course my child. Please come in." Called a grumblie voice. Inside of the master's cramped study Lucy found the short old man looking over  documents."Master I would like to leave fairy tail."Although the sentence took only a second to speak it felt like the longest thing she had ever said. . The master stopped what he was doing and looked at Lucy."Why my child?" Concern tints his voice."Well I'm off the team. So I want to go and train. I wouldn't be leaving forever just until i'm...better..I think maybe a year, or two. " The master looked so sad. His old face wrinkled and weary. His usual happy self nowhere to be seen. ."I do not stop my children when they want to leave the nest.  I just want you to know that you will always have a place here. Hold out your hand I'll remove the mark.  Anytime you want it back it will be waiting."Holding out her hand and her skin began to bubble with magic as the mark was removed. Suddenly it popped off and burst into a pink bubble. Smiling Lucy mutters "Master If they ask where I am. Please don't tell them I left the guild unless you have too."  Turning to go, Master Makarov's voice stopped Lucy. "Could you do  a favor for me while you're away? Could you look into snake poison? The snake lives in the East forest and is quite fast."  Lucy smiled  and nodded. Anything for him.

With that Lucy officially left the Fairy Tail Guild.

HI~ so I wrote this many many years ago and iv decided to re write it. I have really bad dyslexia so please be patient with me. I watched Fairy Tale in middle school and it was the second anime I ever watched. I really love the characters and this whole FanFic came from just absolutely not liking Lisanna. She made me not like NaLu (For about 3 days before I got through that Ark)... to clarify I have never liked Natsu and Lisanna but as in life some people are just with people you really really don't like.

Please COMMENT as I rewrite this fan fic.

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