CH 2 - Baby Dragons?

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"Hey Mari. Do you know where Lucy is? Because I've got a bone to pick with her." Natsu shouted. At this Gajeel stiffened. Lucy had bumped into Gajeel and I at the train station and told us what her plans were.

"No Natsu. I'm sure that she went on a mission by herself."

"Nah, Lucy's not strong enough to go soloing, right Erza. " I wanted to punch that lazy smile right off his face. How could he talk about Lucy that way? Erza ignored Natsu and continued to polish her sword. Mira had a funny look on her face and flipped the Mission log book open.

"Hey guys I don't see Lucy's name in the log book." Mari said. At that moment Master Makarov hopped onto the counter and poured himself a drink. Looking up Erza casually asked,

"Master, do you know where Lucy went?" The small guild master spit the beer he was drinking all over the floor. A dark expression settled on his face.

"Why would you want to know after you said such awful things to her. " Everyone looked confused.

"What do you mean? We only stated the truth." At this remark the master exploded.

"I care for each and everyone of my children. Did you have no regard for how she felt? Did you not think that she was upset or angry with you?"

Makarov was almost venting steam. Erza flinched away from him.

"But she's always so happy. She couldn't be that sad or angry."

That was the last straw for Makarov as he shouted

"She's left Fairy Tail! She left the guild!" At that every single person went silent.

"She will be back in a year or two. Now get out of my sight. I've never felt so ashamed!" The master hopped off the counter, leaving his drink and slammed the door to his office.

Natsu stood there looking startled. Erza had dropped her sword on the ground, and Gray just held Juvia in his arms looking stunned.

Finally Levy broke free of Gajeel's grip and stood on a table. Letting all the anger that had been boiling up in her out.

"She left because of you guys. You are all monsters!" Gajeel pulled Levy off the table whispering soothing words to her. It didn't stop how the words hit home. Erza took a deep breath before stating,

"We will find Lucy."

Lucy ~

Lucy looked into the dense eastern jungle. Its thick mesh of vines and plant life fascinated her. She had the urge to stop and examine everything but she moved on.

Lucy felt a sudden, unfamiliar wave of energy. What was that? More importantly, who was it for? A small tendril of smoak snaked around Lucy's leg and she stopped dead in her tracks. Slowly looking down she saw a longer tendril curling up her leg. Nope, living smoak wanting to grab her was just a no for Lucy right there and then. Years of dodging sketchy situations caused Lucy to take off like a rocket. This ripped the tendril from her leg with a painful cutting of flesh.

Looking down with surprise Lucy realized that her right calf had been cut to shreds. What should have been on the inside was now on the outside. The sight of mangled flesh made Lucy's stomach do a ridiculous flip. For some reason she didn't feel pain in her leg. Was this a shock? How had Smoak cut her?

She couldn't help but think that her day couldn't get any worse when a bright unexpected pain stung her neck. Reaching up Lucy could feel a long needle poking out the side of her neck. The moment she realized what was happening was when she fell over fast asleep.

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