Introduction & Author's Note

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M - Mature (Usually sex)
F - Fluff (Soft)
A - Angst (Sad feels, TWs will be given)

This work is purely fiction and for fun. Any concerns of my writing can be sent by DM.

Read below for author's note:

Been a long time. If you're new to my books or space, welcome! If you're a returning reader and have known me for a bit, welcome back! I've missed writing and have finally made some time to get into it.

Long story short, with college and work taking my focus, as well as spending my time making/writing music, I lost a little bit of interest in writing fanfiction. But now I'm hoping to return.

I went through a massive writer's block and burnout managing requests. Some requests I felt like I couldn't do, and forcing myself to write them felt worse. Therefore, I will not be considering requests in any book.

Precious was the first oneshot book I wrote for ATEEZ. I will always cherish it as it was my first book to hit 1 million reads. Sadly wattpad took it down. I'm guessing it might happen to Desire once it hits 1 million and it's like... automatically reported. So I'll try to unpublish then publish a new one of it(?) I don't know, I'll figure it out later.

Anyway, I decided to ease back in by bringing back some old oneshots from Precious. Call it the remastered version since I've made a lot of edits and even made some longer!


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