F | A Little Favor | Jongho x Seonghwa

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Has a little makeout scene later, enjoy! :)


Mingi knocked twice on the door. His younger brother should've been getting ready for prom. He just needed his suit, which Mingi currently held, unwrinkled and ready to wear.

"Jongho?" Mingi raised an eyebrow when there was no response. "I'm coming in!"

Mingi's eyes widened when he opened the door. Jongho lay in his bed, a mess of blankets covering his body. His breathing was slow and heavy, but his body slightly shaking. Mingi hung the suit and approached his brother's bed. "Jongho, what's wrong?"

Jongho pulled down the covers so only his eyes were shown. He'd been crying. "My prom date cancelled. He didn't want to be seen with me."

"Jongho, that's probably not what-"

"He said so, Mingi." Jongho exhaled. "I don't want to go anymore."

"What? Because a guy canceled?"

"Because that guy didn't want to be seen with me."

Mingi crossed his arms. "No. Let me talk to him. Or Jongho, I can go with you instead-"

"No! I said I don't want to go. I just wanna lay in bed and forget the stupid prom." Jongho covered himself.



"Prom is such a fun-"

"Get out of my room!" Jongho's voice broke. He began sobbing again, turning the opposite way from his brother to get a breath of fresh air.

Mingi didn't say anything, only did as told. He was pissed. Who would say such a thing? Or why would they ask Jongho to prom, then take it back a few hours before the big night? Mingi sighed, trying to figure out what to do.

Jongho had been excited about prom. He came home one day after school, giddy and almost in tears about how a boy in his class had asked him to go during lunch. Mingi had grinned and supported him, like a big brother would, from choosing makeup looks to buying the suit.

So, no. Mingi wasn't going to accept this. He wasn't going to accept Jongho not going because of some stupid guy. If Jongho didn't want to go with his brother, then...

Mingi went to his room and sighed, looking through his contacts. He could hear his little brother's whimpers in the room next door.

Wooyoung and Yeosang? Out of town. Hongjoong? Working. Yunho? Babysitting. San? Just... no. There was one option.


"Yes, Mingi?"

"Uh." Mingi's knee bounced in nervousness.

"Tell me. I'm listening."

"Are you free tonight?"

"Like most nights, yeah," Seonghwa paused. "Wait, what-"

"Jongho needs a date for prom," Mingi replied. "His date canceled and he doesn't want to go with me, so..."

"I don't know many people other than our friend group," Seonghwa answered.

"I know. Everyone's busy. I was hoping you could take Jongho."


"Please, Seonghwa. You're my last hope. The asshole who asked him out said he didn't want to be seen with him. Jongho's been excited about this night for weeks. Do you remember our prom? And how fun it was?" Mingi knew he sounded desperate, but that's all he could feel now.

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