1. Proposal

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As the ceremony finished, there was a golden glow surrounding the couple to indicate their new immortality. "Well that was interesting. What was that?" Ezekiel asked.

"That would be the finalization of becoming immortal, Mr. Jones." Jenkins said.

"How do you two feel? Any different?" Asked Jacob.

Both turned to their little lits and smiled. "I don't know about different." Eve said. "But I can definitely feel a stronger connection to both Flynn and the library. Kind of like a boost of faith or something."

"That's how I feel too." Flynn said.

"Ok! Well, I'm going off to the bar now. Anyone wanna come with?" Ezekiel said trying to get out of this now awkward situation.

"I'm good. I'm gonna help Jenkins clean up then work on my science project in my lab." Cassandra said as she started to do as indicated. "You two should take some time off. Been through too much the last 24 hours." She said to the couple as she passed by giving them a wink.

"I'll go. But only if we get to ride a mechanical bull. And you have to do it too." Jacob said.

Ezekiel was about to protest, but shut his mouth and smirked. "Ok. Challenge accepted."

As the boys started to leave, Eve spoke up. "No bar fights! I mean it, Jake!"

Jacob gave her a thumbs up over his head to indicate he heard her. Flynn watching and listening starts to laugh. "You're like their mother." He joked.

Eve looked at him with a glare. "If I'm their mother, then you're their father." She stated with a grin.

Flynn stopped laughing and contemplated. "If I am, I'm the cool dad. You're like the disciplinary mother that worries."

She swatted him on the arm for that. "Even if that was true, I'm their guardian. I have to keep them in line and make sure they don't get killed."

"True, but you're also MY guardian and you don't seem to worry about ME as much."

"That's not true. I worry about you all the time too. Especially when you go off without me on a mission. You're not just my librarian. You're the love of my life." She said wrapping her arms around his neck. "The others though, they're just kids. We're a family and so I worry about all of you."

The librarian smiled softly and pecked her lips. "I know you do. And you're the love of my life too, Eve. Always and forever. Which is why..." He trailed off to grab something from the desk drawer. When he stood back in front of her, he got down on one knee and opened the small item. It was a platinum ring encrusted with a single round cut diamond. The guardian gasped with tears building in her eyes. "Colonial Eve Baird, my guardian, and my kick butt angel, will you marry me?"

Said colonial didn't seem to be able to move. She was frozen in pure shock. After about a minute and Flynn starting to worry, she answered with the tears still in her eyes, but a smile to go with them. "Yes. Yes! Of course!"

Flynn stood up as he slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately. There was a squeal and then a bone crushing hug as Cassandra overheard the proposal and answer. "YAY!! Congratulations!" She said pulling away from the surprised couple. "I overheard the whole thing. I hadn't meant to, but I was coming back to start taking the arch apart when Flynn got down on his knee to propose."

At this point, both of the new immortals started to laugh. "It's ok, Cassie. And thank you."

"This is so exciting! I always knew you two would eventually get married. I wasn't expecting it quite this soon, but whatever! Please tell me we're all in it."

Colonial Baird laughed again. "Of course. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my maid of honor. As for the boys, that's up to Flynn.

Cassandra squealed again before running off to tell Jenkins the good news. Eve turned to her now fiancé. "What do you say we change and go back to my apartment for a bit of fun now." She stated seductively.

"I say I'm all for it." He replied with a smile and quick peck to her lips.

Librarian and guardian changed, grabbed their things and were off ten minutes later.

Life After Nicole's Fixed WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant