Chapter 14: Sin City

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"Our worst fears are confirmed. The Federation has reverse-engineered a space weapons system from the wreckage of O.D.I.N." "How long until it's operational?" "Unclear. The data you recovered has been sent on to NORAD. SecDef wants the debrief in person. Keegan. I'm sending you to Colorado Springs." "You got it" "We'll rendezvous at the Vegas safehouse at twelve hundred hours tomorrow."

 Keegan comes up to me and says "You gonna be ok with me being gone?" Then I say "Yea, I'll be fine, just be careful." He hugs me and says "I'll be back soon, I love you." I look at him and say "I love you too." I take off his mask and we kiss. Then he leaves

Few hours later

JSOC's going to want to move fast on this, so load up before you get any shut-eye. We've got six hours until Keegan gets back." I start walking next to Logan until I get a bad feeling. "Hold up. Something feel off to you?" Merrick asks concerned .I look around but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. "Security's working." Dad says while looking at the computer. 

Then Riley starts to bark. "What is it boy?" I ask him. Then I see gas being thrown and I start coughing and becoming weak. "Get out! Riley hide!" Dad says. Then I pass out next to Logan. I wake up and I see Federation walking towards me but I pass out again. I wake up again and I see that I am being dragged then I blackout again. I wake up and I hear voices. I see Merrick getting punched by federation. I hear him talk "That all you got , you piece of shit?!" Then I black out again. 

Once I finally regain consciousness, I hear a voice. "Well I guess if you want something done right, do it yourself." Once I open my eyes, I feel Rorke pull my hair to look at him. "You're awake. Good." Then I feel him push my head away from him. I look around and we're all in a circle. I'm next to Hesh. "Nice to have the family back together, isn't it? We're just missing our quiet friend." 

He walks up to me and says "Where's your boyfriend at?" I spit on his face and say "I'm not telling you shit!" He wipes off his face and says "No? Well let's see if I can change your mind." Then I see Rorke shoot Logan. "LOGAN! I'm going to murder you, you asshole!" "Easy sweetheart. I don't want to have to hurt you too." 

I hear my dad yell out then Hesh says "Son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you!" "Easy, junior. I ain't even started with you yet." "Logan! Look at me! Look at me, son!" Then Rorke walks behind dad. "That's right, you look at him! That's it. Show him how much pain he's causing you. Funny thing about your old man. He lets his men die to save his own ass." 

I try to get out of the ropes but it's no use. "Dammit, Rorke! This is between you and me! Leave my Kids out of it!" Then Rorke says "You're talking to a superior, Lieutenant. Show some Discipline." "You were never one of us. You're not a Ghost." Then Rorke says "Well that's just cause I'm better than you!" Then he starts punching him I try to get out of the ropes but they're too tight. 

"I've always been better than you! But call yourself a ghost?! You're nothing! You and your kids, you're dead! Your name dies with you." Then I see Logan get out of his chair and reach for the gun that Rorke has. Rorke notices and traps Logan with the gun in his hand. "He's still got a little life in him! Didn't he ever tell you not to aim guns at people! They could go off." 

Then Rorke makes Logan shoot dad. "Dad!" I start to cry "Rorke stop it!" I say to him. "That's it! Just a little more that way! Point!" Then he makes Logan shoot him one more time. Then he hits Logan with the pistol and he falls to the ground. Hesh calls out to Logan then Rorke says "You got fire in you, kid. I like that. Risking your life to protect your captain. you could learn something from him, Elias." 

"He's my son." "Yeah... And he's going to watch you die." Then Rorke starts shooting dad multiple times. Then Hesh start yelling out "No! No! Dad! I'll kill you, you hear me? I'll kill you, you son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you! Mother fucker!" Then dad turns to Logan and says "I'm proud of you, Logan. Everything's gonna be...okay." Then Rorke puts his foot on dad. "Rorke leave him alone! I'll kill you!" I say to him 

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