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The torch that Anker had seen in the distance was nothing more than the crackling fire of a fireplace burning beyond the window of a modest wooden farmhouse. Anker rushed to the door of the building and started knocking on the shutter, praying that they would let him in. After about a minute, a rough old man, bald and bearded, covered in furs, appeared at the door, visibly surprised by the appearance of guests at such a late hour, during a snowstorm. But as soon as he realized the state of the visitors, he rushed to let them in, and before asking any questions, he prepared a bear skin in the anteroom on which to lay Madja's inanimate body.

He was unexpectedly at ease with first aid maneuvers, and after examining the knight's vital signs, he said: <<She's in bad shape, but she's breathing and still has a pulse.>> Then he slipped into a dimly lit room and emerged with a leather suitcase, saying: <<Almost no one ventures up this God-forsaken peak anymore, but in this shelter, just in case, I always keep a first aid kit... let's see what I can do.>>

He took off Madja's uniform coat, then extracted a steel needle from a sterile package and with great skill cannulated a vein in her left arm, despite the severe volume depletion. Talking practically to himself, since Anker had stood in a corner watching the operations with a serious expression on his face, he said: <<Let's see, I have a one-liter vial of Venemesta's Lily cerulean lymph, to which, since the wound is certainly infected, I can add a vial of Ectinocillum Rabariense spore suspension. That should be enough for now...>>

He screwed a rubber tube onto the vial and waited for a couple of drops to drip from the other end, then pinched it with his fingers to stop the flow. Before proceeding, however, he began to look at Madja's body with a thoughtful look, as if he wanted to ask something but was weighing his words. After a few moments he turned to Anker and said: <<Judging by your uniforms, you look like knights. I've happened to rescue a couple of them, one thing and another. Usually before each mission you receive a vial of personalized magically treated stem cell extract, to be used in emergency situations once regenerated with cerulean lymph. Tell me, does the girl have it?>>

<<I... I think so, in her belt. It's just that, well, we lost all our medical equipment on the way, so we didn't have a chance to use it...>>

Hearing that statement, the man looked at Anker in amazement. Then he sighed and attached the IV, saying: <<Well, let's start with this, in an hour we'll do another half liter of lymph plus the stem cell extract.>>

Then, getting up from the sickbed and hanging the vial on a nail protruding from the wall, he added: <<The stem cell extract clashes with the Ectinocillum spores, you can't do them together. And there's no hurry: she'll make it, but her arm won't grow back for sure. I wonder how a frail little girl like her became a knight. I've seen it all now.>>

Anker felt slightly offended by those words, but he was certainly not in a position to make remonstrances, so he stood in silence like a child who knows he has messed up and endures the sermon hoping it will end soon. <<But you must be hungry. Come this way, I was just having dinner,>> said the old man, as he covered Madja's body with a second bearskin and walked into the next room.

Anker followed him into the living room with the fireplace, which was rather bare and furnished with essential and rough furniture: a sideboard, a table, a couple of chairs. In the stone fireplace hung a cauldron in which a vegetable and legume stew was boiling and, in front of it, on a deer skin rug was a stool on which the old man sat down; <<Take a chair and sit next to me,>> he said to Anker.

Anker obeyed the orders and the old man handed him a bowl of steaming minestrone and a glass of wine. The smell of the stew was pleasant and the consistency thick and full-bodied. The taste, despite the frugality of the meal, was also surprisingly complex and satisfying. The wine was sweet and went down like grape juice.

Knights of FerloniaWhere stories live. Discover now