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Departure location: Horn of Morghorou, Twilight Plain, half a mile southwest of the observatory.

Departure time and date: 12/21/973 P.C. - 8:37

Arrival location: Citadel of Zelfiria, breach in the western wall.

Arrival time and date:12/22/973 P.C. - 12:13

Distance traveled: approximately 14 miles

Weather conditions: Max T 62.5 F - Min T 33.9 F - mostly cloudy, with breaks; fog banks in the morning.

The itinerary from the Horn of Morghorou to Zelfiria was followed with good correspondence to the plan formulated by Viryl. From the shelter it took about five hours to descend with the sheep to Pietratonna. The flock was entrusted to a young shepherd, the son of an old acquaintance of Viryl's, who owned large sheds on the outskirts of the village and already owned about three hundred head of cattle. Anker remembered questioning him when he was on Viryl's trail: at that time he had told him that he knew who he was, because he had heard stories about him around the village, but had never seen him in person. Anker avoided pointing out the boy's conniving behavior, but nevertheless he could not help but exchange embarrassed glances with him.

Having settled the matter of the sheep, they went to the inn, where they had a hearty meal, during which Viryl drank a few too many glasses. He started singing out of tune and making inappropriate comments about the waitress's cleavage, in a voice that was far too loud. Anker was very embarrassed by his associate's reprehensible and backward behavior. After eating, they stayed for a few hours playing tressette and went to bed well before the sun went down. The next day they left shortly after dawn.

They didn't talk much on the way to Zelfiria, but the few conversations they did have focused on Radios of the Shining Sun, mainly to agree on a strategy in case of an ambush. However, it was all too clear from the ardor with which Viryl spoke of the knight that he was the exact opposite of a stranger to him. The road wound through fields and olive groves and presented no obstacles of any kind. They arrived in sight of Zelfiria shortly before noon.

Knights of FerloniaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ