Chapter 3 - Unrequited Indifference

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Josh POV-

"Let me explain something to you, Poindexter," Tiffany warns, "just because I'm forced to live under the same roof as you does not mean your chances of dating go up at all. Is that clear?"

She's standing in the doorway of my new room in the basement while I'm sitting at my desk.

"Crystal." I answer, plainly.

"Good," she says, "now please stay down here for awhile and don't make any noise. My boyfriend, Cliff, is coming over and I don't want him to know we're related in any way."

"Gotcha." I say with a smile, holding up a thumb. She glares at me for a second and leaves , with in a huff." It's been like this for weeks; ever since Tiffany and her mom moved in."

I gave her my room and I already had my office in the basement so I just moved in there. I might look like a pushover or a doormat to let her treat me this way but I don't argue back or instigate an argument.

I've decided to take a pragmatic approach to this situation. I figure there's really no point in 'standing up for myself' against her because I really don't have the time or the energy.

It's clear from her warning that she never read my final love letter but I meant what I wrote in there that that would be the final letter. My days of pointlessly pursuing her are over .

My plan for my high school years is to keep my head down and try to live as peaceful an existence for as long as I can. I don't know how much longer I have in this life so I'm not going to waste it on trying to make something happen that never will.

I share the same hereditary heart disease that took my mother. The doctor's aren't sure how long I have but I've been taking medication. No one other than my dad knows about this. He promised not to tell Tiffany or my new stepmom, Regina.

I'd like to think that Tiffany isn't indifferent enough to not care whether I live or die or not but I don't want to burden her with this. That's the main reason why I had to let her go with that final letter, I want her to enjoy her life and youth without having to worry about me.

"So, Lily," I say to my bunny, "what are we going to do about her, huh?" Lily's always a good listener.

I don't really have any friends in school and even the so-called nerd crowd don't like me since me interests are weird even to them. I have a vegetable garden in the backyard which I tend to regularly. In addition to Lily, I also have a tank full of fish and I invest in stocks.

Instead of a backpack, I bring a briefcase to school. I read the Wallstreet Journal. I follow European cricket. I'm into Celtic music. I'm also in carpentry and pottery.

*knock*knock* Someone else is knocking on my door now.

"Come in." I say and in walks my dad, Fred

"Hey, son," he says, "do you have a minute, please? We haven't really talked just the two of us since we all moved in together."

"Sure, dad," I say, "what's up?"

"I know all this is a sudden change," my dad says, "and it can't be easy to be suddenly living under the same roof as the girl you've always had a crush on but maybe this is the chance for you to make some changes in your life."
My father said with a bright smile.

"What're you talking about dad," I ask, "why do I have to change anything. I'm a little confused." I'm scratching my head.

"You've been an introverted wallflower your whole life, Josh," dads says, "I think this big change is a big opportunity to actually make friends and make your high school experience more memorable."

"I've actually been thinking about something like that," I begin to say, "I wrote that final love letter to Tiffany as a way to transition from old life to a new one, for as much time as I have left."

My father and me also share an unspoken look of understanding regarding my heart condition.

"Don't think on those terms, son," dad says, "you're receiving treatment that we didn't know about when your mother became sick. We have an appointment in not too long with the doctor that should put your mind at ease. But as far as you and Tiffany goes, now that you're step-siblings, Regina and I want the two of you to get along. She's quite popular, you know, so maybe she can help you make new friends."

"I know you mean well, father, but Tiffany is certainly NOT the person to help me do that." I say, "Despite my letter, my feelings for her may never truly go away but Tiffany hates me, so there's no way she'll be willing to help me. Besides, I don not like her friends. I know your trying to help me, dad but I think it's best if I just let Tiffany be and interact with her as minimally as possible."

"Josh, she doesn't hate you," dad says, "just trust me and Regina on that. Regina's going to be speaking with her on this, too. And then we're going to have a meeting with all four of us. We're family after all."

My dad ruffles my head with a smile and gets up and leaves. I don't want to disrespect my father but he needs to look up the definition of hatred and it'll show a picture of Tiffany glowering at me.

End of chapter. Please vote and comment

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