Chapter 7 - From Zero To Hero

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Josh POV-

I have no one to blame but myself. It's my fault. I know perfectly well where I stand with Tiffany, that much is clear. She went from being a little mean and bossy to being condescending, patronizing and passive aggressive but I never thought she's capable of being cruel. Cliff told me what she said to him when he told her about my fight. I don't care that she didn't come and check on my well-being or what she said about me, that stuff I already know.

It's what she said to Cliff, the guy that she supposedly used to love. He didn't deserve to hear that. He doesn't deserve to be punished for being friends with me. That's why I say it's my fault; all those years of me pestering her with those stupid love letters and now forced to live under the same roof as me has caused her to develop this hatred for me that's so deep that anyone that associates with me at all is now lumped in with me. It's not just Cliff either. She abandoned her loyal best friends, Jessica and Gina, for what? To be able to hang out with the absolute worst influences she could ever surround herself with?

So that's why I blame no one but myself. I've been such a fool my whole life for never waking up to who she's always been. Tiffany's a user and an abuser. She may've been kind and sweet when we were kids but that girl's been gone for a very long time. It's all because I couldn't face reality that not only were my feelings for her were always going to be unrequited but completely used as a weapon against me and everyone else around me.

And now, after leaving detention and giving my broken glasses to Tiffany, I'm just mindlessly doing some late night gardening outside in the school garden, trying to blow off steam before I go home. It's a good thing I have a spare pair of glasses hear in my locker. I'm sure Tiffany's going to be happy about that. I know she hates my ugly face, that's why she's so obsessed with my glasses, so out of spite, I gave her my broken glasses that broke during the fight. On the bright side, Aaron is okay and now Dirk and his pals aren't allowed within a certain radius. The principal's office finally grew a spine. Just now, I hear the door opening, to my surprise it's Mary.

"Hey, Josh, I knew I'd find you here!" she exclaims with a concerned but relieved smile. I have to admit, she's a site for sore eyes right now. (no pun intended) It's still a little awkward, though. (I'll explain in a minute).

"Mary," I say, "what's going on?" I realize she's here to watch her brother, Cliff, in the football game.

"I just wanted to see if you were still here," she says, "I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier." I know she's not talking about the fight. She's talking about what happened almost immediately after the fight; she kissed me. It may've been in the heat of the moment but I still don't know how to feel about it. Most notably, it's my first kiss.

"Oh, Mary," I say gently as I stand up to face her, "it's been a rough day, I really don't feel like discussing anything like that, right now."

"It's fine," she says, "I only have one small thing to say about it. I like you, Josh. A lot. I think you're very kind and very funny and you don't care about what people think of you. It was really brave what you did for Aaron. Seeing you do that, I guess I couldn't hold it in any longer and I...kissed you."

"Mary, it's okay," I begin to say, "but like I sai-"

"I'm not finished," Mary says, cutting me off, "I know I'm being selfish right now and I know that kissing you was selfish. Especially since I know you have someone else in your heart." That sentence stuns me. I know I'm giving her a confused look, "you don't have to hide it. It's obvious, it's Tiffany. You still love her, don't you? I've seen the way you still look at her; we all have." This immediately makes me blush.

"Mary, whether or not that's true," I say, "it doesn't matter, Tiffany hates me. But you're a very cute, very sweet girl and I'm actually happy that you kissed me. I'm also happy that you like me for who I am. I'm just not cut out for dating anyone." I'm not going to tell her about my heart condition.

"It really pains my heart to say this," Mary says with tears rolling down here eyes, "but I don't agree with that at all. I think you'd make a great boyfriend to anyone. I also don't think she hates you. In fact, I think it's the exact opposite." I'm too shocked to react to her but then the door opens again. It's Cliff, sweaty and still in his uniform, holding his helmet in his hand.

"Oh, hey, Josh," he says, "or should I say, Mr. School Hero. Mary, games over, let's get ready to go."

"Did you guys win?!" Mary asks excitedly. Wow, she really knows how to flip a switch, doesn't she?

"Duh," Cliff says, "don't you hear the marching band?" Oh, I hear it now. We've been so engrossed in our conversation we didn't notice. But that's not what's important here. What did Cliff just call me? But before I could ask, he and Mary already went back inside, chit chatting about the game. I'm still here outside, feeling a little overwhelmed by what I just heard from both siblings.

I also come back inside, I guess I should find my bike and head home. I see a whole procession of people cheering and screaming excitedly reentering the building from the football field. However, as soon as some of the people see me, they stop and start clapping and cheering. Before long, everyone in the hallway is clapping and cheering me in my direction, just like they did right after I beat Dirk up. By the way, I'm really glad I took my heart medication today or probably would've collapsed.

Then I see Jessica and Gina walk up to me. They're both showing me their phones. I'm clearly confused for a second.

"Hey, Josh," Jessica says with a smile, "you should be proud. You're a bit of a celebrity hero now." They also started to become friendly with me toward the end of last year and I guess that's why Tiffany ditched them, too. But more importantly, on their phones, I see two different recording of my fight from two different angles. The recordings also include Mary kissing me right after the fight.

"You're amazing," Gina says, "someone finally brought that asshole down." They both walk up to me and kiss me on the cheeks. They then stroke my hair and face. Both with small tears in their eyes.

Then Jessica leans in and holds the back of my head and whispers, "And she knows it, too."

The noise soon dies down after the security guards start rushing everyone out of the building.

I go outside to the front of the school building to get my bike from the rack.

"Josh!" despite myself, I can still instantly recognize that voice anywhere, "Josh, wait!" Yes, it's Tiffany. She's running toward me and then stops to catch her breath once she make it to me. Looking at her now, there's still no question in my mind, she's still the most beautiful thing on this planet.

"What, Tiffany?" I ask in a monotone voice. 

"Look, I know you don't want to see me right now," Tiffany begins saying while still panting a little, "but I have no other choice. Everyone else left. Could you please bring me to the after party at Veronica's house?" She's looking really desperate but she's really got some nerve...

End of chapter. Please vote and comment.

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