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Haerin spent some time bathing Y/n in their comatose state. The nurses always offered to do it for her, but Haerin liked doing it herself. It gave her a sense of nostalgia and normality.

Haerin always wanted to be the perfect wife for Y/n....

Just like Y/n always tried to be the perfect partner for Haerin.

Even when Y/n didn't remember the past and everything that happened before their brain surgery, Y/n still did their best to treat Haerin as if it wasn't their first time falling in love.

Because it wasn't....

- Karina POV -

I watched as Haerin bathed Y/n on their hospital bed.

The nurses always offered to do it for her, but Haerin always refused.

The only thing Haerin would allow... was to let the nurses move Y/n's body while she was asleep...

Y/n needed to be moved constantly to prevent bedsores and other possible issues to come with the fact of being comatosed.

"Does it feel good?" I managed to speak up.

Yoongi was asleep, so it was just me and Haerin for the moment.

"Huh?" Haerin didn't even bother to look at me.

Up until now, it seemed like Haerin wasn't too focused on Y/n. Yes, she did the basics and didn't let anyone touch Y/n unless necessary, but this felt different.

Her eyes didn't dart off Y/n for a single second.

"Does it make you feel better to hold Y/n in your arms?" I clarified my question.

"Yes," Haerin lowly replied.

Haerin looked tired but she was determined to get Y/n cleaned.

"Do you think you'll be okay after all of this?" I decided to just be straightforward.

"I'll have to be," Haerin coldly answered.

- Haerin POV -

After a round of painful questions, Karina unnie finally left the room to go get breakfast.

I started to get a little tired, so I kissed Y/n's forehead goodnight.

"I'll fix this, okay?" I pampered Y/n with kisses.

I knew I was basically kissing a corpse, but all the odd occurrences were too much for me to not believe that I needed to fix whatever mess I had created in my dreams.

- Y/N POV -

"DON'T!!" I frantically woke up from my dream.

"Baby, are you alright?" Minji suddenly jolted up from the bed.

"Yeah," I tried to catch my breath.

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