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"All my friends say I still act like a little kid," Haerin was heartbroken because she didn't understand what made her different than all the other kids.

"But we are little!" Y/n giggled.

Even when they were small, Y/n was someone who made Haerin feel okay.

Y/n had no reason to make Haerin smile, but it had somehow turned into Y/n's favorite thing to do.

- Yoongi POV -

"I'm just weird!" Haerin awkwardly shook her head and started walking away from Y/n.

"Well, she's cute!" Y/n chuckled as we started walking into Y/n's new school.

It was always kind of funny that Y/n had some sort of selective amnesia. It's like they knew that Haerin needed gentle care but they didn't know that Haerin had been a long-time family friend.


It took less than 20 minutes during orientation day for Haerin to start getting bullied.

"YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TRANSFER HERE. NO ONE WANTS TO GO TO THE SCHOOL WITH THE DUMB KID!!" Jay was a bigger idiot now than he was as a kid.

"I'm not dumb!" Haerin tried to stand her ground.

"If anything, you are the one without proper education!" Haerin was stronger than I had ever seen her.

For you to lose your parents and have no one there for you when you needed it...

Haerin was doing amazing.

"Have you forgotten that your fucking special?! You are literally only allowed to be here because you are fucking stupid and your parents die!" Jay started taunting Haerin.

"My parents died too. Am I stupid?" Y/n suddenly spoke up.

I hadn't even realized that Y/n had left my side.

A part of me thought that maybe Y/n would stop acting like we didn't know Haerin. I hoped that this whole dump situation would blow over. I prayed that all the struggles and sacrifices I had made finally brought something fruitful.

I had messed up a lot before....

I had abandoned Y/n And I was hoping that maybe this was my reward.

"Y-y-y-n-n," Jay started stuttering.

"You're Y/n?" Sunghoon suddenly stepped in.

It was odd to see all these kids I had grown up with as rivals or potential friend prospects of Y/n.

I remember thinking..., "Now I know what mom felt like?"

"Yes, and you are?" Y/n didn't hesitate to put their guard up.

Ever since our parents died... it was hard to trust anyone...

"I'm sunghoon. I heard that you're a great athlete. I know your main sport is boxing but I saw you playing a few basketball games last year. I was hoping that maybe you'd try out with us. If you go and you're not that good then you'll be doing us a favor," Sunghoon suddenly showed his true colors.

Y/n coldly extended their hand out and said..., "I appreciate you showing me who I shouldn't associated with so early in the school year."

I remember how I almost gasped and had to cover my mouth to cover my proud smile.

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