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As soon as the door opened I saw 6 man or should I say boys standing in front of me. They all were quite good looking. As if I have just fallen in love with them at first sight.

My brother told me that he have a high rank in his job now and he will be going with his boss and 5 other colleague but I never knew that these colleague would be this much handsome and also I didn't get to know who is there boss in them like all of them are standing like brothers. Well what ever except the boss I will get anyone of them cuz they are fucking hot... Y/N you have to come out from your dream land they won't even look at you. With saying that to my self I just went inside.

I know my dress was a bit to much to seduce someone handsome but I think that won't work may be i have to do something else. To seduce these handsome motherfucking guys..

I want in and sat on the sofa as it was time for proper intro.. But since the time I have came one of these guys keep moving away from me and avoiding me. Well I don't care I was In my daydreaming till now as soon as my brother hit me and said "Y/N sit properly and also get introduce to all of them" after saying this he leaned towards my ears and said "Stop daydreaming as well bitch...You won't be able to seduce any of them. Mark my words"

I was angry with him as he think I am not cable to seduce anyone. Now my only mission was to seduce anyone of them and prove my dumbass brother wrong. As he underestimated me so know it's do or die situation for me. I will seduce any of them.

Until  heard one of guy saying "Lets do an introduction and get comfortable with each other as we have to spend a whole month with each other" As he finished the all started to give there intro and I started to focus on my only mission to SEDUCE ANYONE OF THEM.


They started to give intro one by one as they intentionally started with Jimin.

JM: Hello I am P-Park Jimin well other know me. A-A-And I am the B-B-Boss.

Y/N: OHH nice to meet you!!! You look like a mochi ( As she let out a laugh)

JM: Thanks.... Well if u want you can call me that Y/Naa

Y/N: AWWW!!!! Thanks i would love to call you mochi you really look like mochi cuz you are so cutee baby...( As Y/N was totally being her self right now)


With that JM and Y/N cutee talk was going on as the member interrupted them and asked to move on with the introduction.

JM: YEAH!!!! W-W-We should move on with introduction.

Y/N: YEAHHHH!!!! OK Carry on who is next after my mochi.

??: Hi i am Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you Y/N..

Y/N: OHH... Nice to meet you too

JM: Well he is the genius among us 

Y/N: NO!! the boss is always genius( she said while laughing )

JM: OHH Really u think that.....then i will accept it.  

JM: Well boss is indeed very genius not gonna lie about that.( he said while smiling and looking at tae)

Y/N: Well i think you are also self obsessed like me......hahahahahhahhahahh

JM: UMMMMMMM........YEAH maybe

Y/N: You guys continue with the introduction..

??: Hi My Name Is Kim Seokjin......Well u can call me world wide handsome as well..

'Mafia Kings Maddest Love': 21+  ‖ THV ‖ King Of mafia's Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now