chapter 18

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Amaya's pov💫

"I am sure by next week the building will be done."

We were talking to the manager of the construction crew and l am happy to hear this.

"Thank you so much, sir, you all have done such a beautiful job and l thank you for it."

"It is no problem at all ma'ma the pleasure is ours."
He said and we continued on to speak about the payment, then we headed back home.

A few hours later>>

"Bro l am telling you l am not afraid of you, just know that."

We were in the kitchen along with Jenny and Louis who decided to surprise us out of nowhere.

"You two are wild animals, l ain't gonna lie." Jenny said while laughing her heart out.

"He just likes to play with me and he doesn't know what l am capable of doing."
I said while giving him death look.

"Amaya, l am going to Matha's crib, l will be back tomorrow, we have to do a project."

"Okay, just tell me when you arrive."
I say to her as she says her goodbyes and leaves.

"You still in college?"
Jenny asked me while holding her head with her hands.

I said, while Louis choked on his drink, but Jenny wasn't fazed.

"Dang, so lm the only one here who dropped out."
Jenny says l, while we both laughed at her.

Luke's pov 😏

We were all in the theatre room, laughing and enjoying the movie, then Miguel came in.

"Yeah, yeah, so funny... listen up we got a job to do."

William complained.

"What is it?" Liam asked.

"I'm just joking." He said and we all threw popcorn at him, while screaming booo.

8 at night>>

We were in the dining room, Jenny just came back from Amaya's place, and by the looks of it she enjoyed it.

"How is she?"
I asked, while eating my food, only realizing that my question caused for everyone to look at me in a 😏 way.

"She's doing great, her business that she got from uncle is doing just fine, if only yall can see how it looks."

"She upgraded it?" Liam asked.

"When you walk in, you can't even tell if that was once uncles business and you can tell by the sketchs that she has been drawing, that she has a lot planned." She said with a smile on her face, looking and sounding proud of Amaya.

"Dang, shawty got it bad." William added.

After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen then went to our rooms.

I took a bath, changed to my sweatpants, a tank top and l was laying in my bed with the lights off.

Thinking of if l should call her, but what if she's asleep, dang Amaya why am l captivated by your smile, your beauty. You are likeable and sweet.... "why am l thinking about her?"

Saying that while l shake my head and call Isabella, maybe she will get my mind off of her.


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