chapter 24

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Author's pov

"Ayy, Miguel where is Luke? He's not in his room, office or gym."

"He's taking a night swim, outside."
He said but somehow William was confused.

"Night swim??...... ohhhh, okay thanks."
He said and then went out to look for Luke.

"Hey, daddy how you zuuingg?"
Luke looked behind him to see William and his smirk on his face. " Obviously it's him"
He thought.

"What is it, Will?"
Luke asked, as he was getting out of the pool and took his towel to dry his face.

"How do you feel about Amaya?"
He asked,  conscious of what he just asked, he wanted an answer from Luke not because he wants Amaya, but because he likes the idea of both of them. "She would make a great and amazing sister in law."
He once thought to himself.

But one thing is that he knows Luke.

"What do you mean by that?"
Luke asked as he sat on the chaise.
William looked at him.

"Do you have any feelings towards her?"
Wiliiam just wanted to see if he is truly denying his feelings for her, cause he saw, how he looked at her in church. Not in a lustful way of course, Luke is a gentleman, but one could say he was falling in love while doing so, asking himself if "am l truly in love with her?" Type of thing.

Luke looked down for a moment to think about what he said.
" no l don't, l have Isabella."
He said, convincing himself he stood up and his back was facing William.

William complained.

"We all know you are using her."
Luke looked at him but not in anger but in.... a normal way, not in a"l am warning you" look because he knows that he is using her.

"Luke, think about this, what did Isabella ever do for you, besides keep on feeding you all those cigarettes and alcohol, Luke you HAVE TO LET HER GO."
Luke's mind stopped for a moment, "he's right." He thought to himself. But obviously didn't want to admit it.

"You want Amaya, Luke."
William said. But Luke is in denial.

"No l don't, OKAY, so let's leave it that way, make it clear and let it get in  that little brain of yours, this is the last time we speak about this."

"Here you go again pushing your feelings aside and not wanting to accept the truth."
He said, Luke just went in the pool, ignoring him.

William went back inside.

Luke was contemplating, with his emotions and not knowing what to do, that's why he decided to take a night swim. He wants to be with Amaya, but is afraid, not only that he is in a mafia but because he doesn't want to hurt her, his past will most definitely come back to him and that might leave an actual scar on Amaya.

He wants her, but doesn't know what to do.

The next day.

It's Monday morning, it is a nice breezy morning with the sun peaking through the clouds.

Luke wakes up to check his phone to see a missed call from Isabella, at 21:16 yesterday."What a wonderful thing to see first thing in the morning." He said sarcastically.

The time was 4:30 am, and he was planning to go downstairs to the gym. He went to his bathroom to rinse off his face, and brush his teeth, before he wore his navy sweatpants and his black tank top.

He was done with it all, and decided to open up his bedroom curtains that reveals a glamorous view of the ocean and mountains surrounding the beach,the sun was shining directly at his room, giving it some life. He slides the sliding door open and goes out to the balcony.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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