Part 25

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This update is SUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPERRR late and probably no one will see it, but I shall finish the story anyways! Lol. So the story is going to end soon, but I needed closure on my first wattpad story lol and I just want it DONE!!! Thank you guys who have read it and who have been soooooooooo gracious with my obvious spelling errors and grammatical mishaps you guys are some of the best people on the planet, I LOVE YOU ALL. Thank you guys for supporting this story and for loving Alex and Asa! PS sorry for changing the tense but...... :/ what can a girl do???

Once Asa left, I had to figure out what he was talking about, so I grabbed my phone and looked up "why do you take a cold shower".

What google showed was horrifying....did Asa think about doing THAT with me. I mean I'm flattered, but!

I closed out of the chrome app and then called Isabelle.

"What!" Isabelle answered incredulously.

"I was making out with Asa and then he got what I think is a boner and left to take a cold shower." I rushed out. "Damn I feel like I should go to confession, I'm not even Catholic!"

"What!!!" Isabelle yelled. "What!" She parroted. "Oh. My. God. You guys are so awkward! I would say it's cute but come on, you have to learn to communicate someday."

"I know! But it's like, I know he's into me, but I'm still scared. I'm from AUSTRALIA Isabelle! This will end once filming ends and I don't want that, but it's inevitable." I blubbered, and then I started pouting. Don't you cry Alex, hoe don't do it.

"What's the saying, it's like: It's better to have love and lost than to not love at all." Isabelle quoted, I could picture her catlike grin in my mind.

"Does that count for people who have attachment issues?" I countered.

"I'm not sure, but Asa likes you, you like him, I say just have fun Alex. I have to go though. Love you!" Isabelle said and then she hung up.

Well. What the hell could go wrong, other than the 5 things that could, I mean this could be a fun new experience. So I took out my phone and texted Asa: I know this is weird and we are already a thing, but I really like you but we need to be less beat-around-the-bush and be more upfront. I really like you! Alex.

I nibbled my thumb and waited for a reply. There was a ring, and I nearly clapped my hands from joy, but it was the door. I ran to open it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You really shouldn't open the door without seeing who is on the outside girly." The man from the diner answered. "You shouldn't leave your siblings with your airy mother" He continued.

"Airy is not the same thing as negligent, and I didn't even leave them with her." I countered. "What the hell are you doing stalking me?"

"Brooks sent me."

"So, I don't owe Brooks anything, his problem is with my mother." I replied.

"And we both know your mother won't be able to pay him back, but you can." The weird man said.

"What are you saying?" I asked, but deep down I knew. That worthless boyfriend of my mom's, Brooks, was a simple crook when my mom met him, but he soon became the lead drug dealer in Melbourne. And my mom, who Brooks weaned into addiction, became deeply indebted to him.

"That little friend of yours, Amy, we took the twins from her, and you have to give pay us the 10,000 your mother owes us or return to Melbourne to work for Brooks and pay back your debt."

"What!" I gasped. "I'm filming, I'm working to make money."

"Then pay Brooks when you're finished." The man said.

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