Chapter 2

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The weeks after my acceptance were extremely hectic. I had to arrange my schooling for while I would be away. I had to confirm where Sam and Charlotte were going to stay during the time I was gone. Also I was trying to find a manager, which was hard to find a guy who wasn’t just trying to use you. And I also had to find a place for my mom to stay, she wasn’t using now, she had been clean now for about a year, but with Charlotte, Sam, and I gone, I was worried she might start again, so I sent her to live with a friend. Finally, I completed all the things I needed to before I left, so I was leaving today.

     First, I said goodbye to Sam and Charlotte.

     Hugging them I whispered into their ears, “I’m going to miss you guys. Don’t grow too fast without me, okay?”

     “Okay sissy. We love you.” Charlotte said kissing me.

     “Ria I’m going to miss you.” Sam whimpered.

     “Oh don’t cry,” I said, wiping Sam’s face, “I’m going to be back in no time.”

     “Promise?” Sam asked.

     “Promise.” I answered kissing her.

     “We made you this so you would remember us.” Charlotte said handing me a card. I was already close to tears, but this sealed the deal.

     “Guys, I love you so much. And I will never forget you. Don’t ever forget that.” I hugged them for one last time, then sent them to get their stuff into Amy’s mom’s car.

     Running to Amy, I hugged her. “Thank you so much for doing this. This will be so great for the girls.”

     “No problem, it’s about time that I had some sisters. Isn’t that right?” She said to Sam and Charlotte.

     “Yeah!” They yelled, they looked so cute when they’re excited.

     “Hey Alex.” Amy said.

     “What?” I asked looking at her.

     “Take care of yourself. I don’t want to have to kick some Yankee butt, okay?” Amy said smiling.

     “Of course.” I hugged her one last time, then I watched her, her mom, Sam, and Charlotte drive off.

     I turned and walked back into my apartment for some last minute packing. Checking my list, I made sure I had everything you needed. Then I started to clean whatever mess was left. After a while, I went into my mother’s room to say goodbye.

     “Mom?” I called peering into her room, after scanning for a while, I saw her on her bed.

     “Mom, I just wanted to say bye.” When she didn’t reply to that, I started to clean her room. I picked up some things and then I saw a packet with my name on it. I grabbed it, and then continued to clean up. After everything was clean, I opened the packet; in it was a handful of money. Counting the money, there was about a thousand in cash. If I was able to convert it, it would prove useful for when I’ll be in New York. Gathering my things, I left mom a note, then headed out to the airport.

     The plane ride was uneventful, thankfully. I mostly slept and read some magazines. The person next to me snored the whole flight, so that was annoying. Since I was a minor, I had to check in with the flight attendant before I left. She looked at me worriedly like I was a charity case, so I politely left as fast as I could.

     Taking the cab into the city, I was amazed by all the bright lights and the bustle. Nothing seemed to be ordinary; I figured I could become something here too. The cab driver drove me to the cheap hotel I was staying at. I had decided to save most of the money I made from the movie and use it later when I returned home. After I unpacked my stuff, I ate a small dinner, and went to bed. The next day I had a meeting with the producers of Til It Ends. I was kind of excited, but I didn’t know what to expect.

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