Chapter 11

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Wow. Asa just kissed me, on the lips. I tenderly brush my fingers on the spot that Asa had grazed with his a few moments ago. I just had my first kiss, I just had my first kiss! I jump giddily on my way to the elevator. I happily press the button on and wait for the elevator to come.

But it wasn’t your first kiss. Some small part of me thinks. My blood chills, and I mentally remove the image of the flashback emerging in my mind. That. Did. Not. Count. I think shuddering. “No.” I mutter. “That did not fucking count.”

The elevator opens, and I enter it. I stay sane on the ride up to Isabelle’s floor by humming songs to myself. The elevator opens and I rush out, accidently hitting someone walking into the elevator.

“Sorry.” I say hurrying to Isabelle’s room. I finally reach it and I knock, “Isabelle open up. It’s me.”

“Finally!” I hear her voice yell. Isabelle opens the door, and her face falls, “What’s wrong Alex? What happened?”

I shake my head, “Nothing,” I smile, “Just thinking about what happened,” I walk into her room, “Where’s the food?”

“It is right here waiting for us to conquer it.” Isabelle says triumphantly raising a fist in the air. “They made us spaghetti, aren’t they sweet?” Isabelle grabs the two containers and jumps onto the bed, “Come on, let’s talk. I think you have something to tell me.” Isabelle grins evilly.

I flop onto the bed, “Something did happen.” I grin at Isabelle as her eyes widen. I grab a container, a fork, and then dig in.

“Spit it out! I cannot wait another second.” Isabelle commands after I eat for a while.

I swallow, and clear my throat, “It all started when you left.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Isabelle remarks.

“And.” I pause, looking at Isabelle, “Asa asked me to meet his family.”

Isabelle chokes on her food, “He did what?!?”

I nod, “I know, I was shocked too. But his mother is so funny, I love her. And his little sisters, they’re precious.”

“What are their names?” Isabelle asks leaning in.

“Marley and Loxie. But that’s not all.”

“There’s more?” Isabelle asks incredulously.

“Yes. Well then, Jackie, Asa’s mum, left. So I was left with Asa all by ourselves.”

“You were in a room alone with him?” Isabelle dramatically falls onto the bed, “Shit, did I spill my food?” She asks getting up.

“Thankfully not.”

“Oh wait, it wasn’t the first time you guys were in his room alone.” Isabelle exclaims hitting her head. “Sorry, I forgot.”

I blush, “That was a fluke.”

“Seems like it happened again.” Isabelle quips.

“Don’t even start.” I say hitting Isabelle.

“Sorry!” She yells.

“And then.” I pause for a second, “This thing happened that he was biting my ear or something and then he was inching his hands up my shirt and then I agreed to go out on a date with him and then he kissed me.” I blurt out.

“He did what? You did what?” Isabelle asks spooning some more spaghetti into her mouth.

I take a bite of my food and then answer, “He kissed me, and I agreed to go out with him. I think the date is tomorrow.”

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