𝟎𝟎𝟏. not a psychic!

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chapter onenot a psychic!

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chapter one
not a psychic!


Rory Stackhouse wasn't one to run late to things... but this time she was running late to work. It wasn't necessarily her fault, if you asked her, she was so deep in sleep after her night shift the night before that she forgot to set her alarm for the evening shift she had at Merlotte's. Normally, Sookie would wake her up so they could both head over there but the youngest Stackhouse took up the morning shift as well that day.

Rory cussed every curse word imaginable as she hurriedly threw the white top over her head and tucked it into her tiny black shorts. Sense she was running behind schedule she left her blond locks down in their soft curls from the day before and took her makeup bag with her into her car.

Both Jason and Sookie had scolded the girl many times about her habit of doing her makeup whilst she was driving, claiming one day she would end up in an accident because of it. Luckily, the girl hadn't, yet, and she kept on doing it, saving her a bunch of time in the morning for her to sleep in.

Sleep was her escape, her only escape. After hearing voices in her head all day and keeping up the facade of normalcy, it sucked the energy out of her body. It wasn't easy to act like you shouldn't be put into a mental institution, act like everyone else around her when she wasn't.

The normal whispers flared up last night after her shift, some words she was able to make up others not. She didn't know what caused it, all she felt was the familiar feeling of dread, like something very bad was going to happen. She had the same feeling when her Mom and Dad died in a flood. She felt like she was drowning two nights before the incident, clawing at her throat for air but she wasn't even under water, she was in her room.

Because of these whispers Rory had stayed up way too late while Sookie slept in the room next to hers with ease. That's why she slept through her alarm and was currently applying her mascara to her eyelashes in a rush as she sat at a red light.

𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐆𝐄, eric northman Where stories live. Discover now