Mission 6: The Brother-in-Law

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At your desk, you were reading a note that says "We will make our oppressors vanish and free ourselves".

"Well. succeeding worked out very well, didn't it?" you said sarcastically.

You put the note in a hidden compartment on your desk, then you went into the living room and saw Anya watching Spy Wars as usual.

"How goes your studies, Anya?"

Anya: "I am studying, Papa. Jack makes sure of it. Ask him."

"I just want you to have a nice life, Angel."

Before you went into the kitchen, you and Anya heard a loud thud in the other room and wonder what's happening. Yor came in through the door, clearly worried about something.

"Welcome home, Yor. What's the matter?"

Yor: "I-I-It's an emergency, Mr. Y/N."

"What's the emergency?"

Yor: "It's Yuri! My baby brother! He's coming here! Today!"


Yor: "He found out about our marriage, so, he said he absolutely had to come congratulate me."

"Well, surprising as it is, we both expected he'd catch on sooner or later."

Yor: "Yes, but I didn't expect him to do it this soon. What should we do? Do you think he'll see through our cover?"

"What cover? The whole thing is legit," you said as you pointed to all the photos you took on your dates and when you were spending time with Anya.

Yor: "Yeah, you're right, but I still think he'll need some more convincing."

"Well, there's hardly any lies here. We'll be fine."

Anya: "Are Mama and Papa going to kiss?"

An Odd, Normal Family (Yor Briar x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now