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(i did this fanart)

"What if the balls are taken again???" King Nod asked Chief Roofless.

"That won't happen," Roofless assured him, "the One Eyes are gone, Zigzag is gone, they are all gone."

"Yes, but who stole the balls in the first place??" the king demanded, grabbing the Brigand, "was it someone on the inside???"

"Perhaps that little green goblin thing," Roofless thought aloud, rubbing his chin in the process, "he's a thief, I believe."

"The one who found the Golden Balls? Impossible! He's a hero!!"

"Well..." Roofless said, "he rather looks like a thief..."

"It is not appearances that matter!"

"Yes yes," Roofless said, "whatever you say, your highness." 

King Nod was silent for a moment. "Perhaps my daughter can reassure me. Summon Princess Yum Yum!"

A minute later, the princess was summoned.

"My daughter," King Nod said, "I need your help."

"Yes Daddy?"

"What if-" the king shuddered for a moment, "what if-"

"What if what?"

"What if the balls are taken again?"

"Daddy..." Yum Yum rolled her eyes, "that won't happen..."

"That's what I've been trying to tell him," Roofless said, "it's just not logical." The Brigand, since redeeming himself and becoming close with the king, had since become more practical and less of, well, a Brigand. The other Brigands, however, were basically the same.

"I'm just saying that the balls could be-"

"Daddy, I don't have time for this," Yum Yum said, "I feel ill."

"Oh!" King Nod exclaimed, looking at his only daughter, "then go find your Nanny and rest!"

The princess nodded and quickly left the room. She entered her and Tack's bedroom, where Nanny was tidying things up.

"Where's Tack, Nanny?" Yum Yum asked.

"He went to help some people on the poor side of the city, Princess."

"Oh Tack," Yum Yum sighed, "always willing to lend a helping hand."

"Are you alright?" Badass Nanny turned her head around at the Princess, "you look pale. Come, come to bed."

"I just don't feel well," the princess said, "it's been like this for a few days, but I thought it was a cold. But I-I just..."

"Oh dear..." Nanny said, rubbing her chin, "I suppose it's just going about-" She suddenly stopped, then looked in wonderment at the princess.

"Oh, you don't think..." she muttered to herself, "no. Not possible. But perhaps..."

"Nanny, WHAT are you talking about?" Yum Yum asked as she rested her head on her pillow and tried to close her eyes, "let me rest."

"Oh, right!" Nanny said, snapping back into reality, "I'll get you some food."

"Oh yes," Yum Yum said, sitting up again, "I'm quite hungry all of a sudden."

"Anything specific?"

"No. Just something."

"Lie back down," Nanny instructed the princess, "you don't want to hurt yourself even more."

"Nanny, it's just a cold," Yum Yum insisted, "it'll probably be done within a few-"

"Months," Nanny said, "nine, to be exact."

"Nanny!" Yum Yum sprung up, "you're not suggesting that-"

"I'm just saying, it's a possibility!" Nanny raised her arms, "are you or are you not married to Tack??"

Yum Yum sighed in annoyance, "it's not that, Nanny."

"It could be," Nanny said, then left.

Thief and the Cobbler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now