The Bond - Chapter 14

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Silver's Point of View

"You don't believe me." Maverick states, staring into my eyes for an answer. I suck in a breath at his words. Do I believe him? I don't know. "Do you?" He asks, a hopeful glint shining in his eyes. "I don't know." I tell him, walking away as his hands fall from my face. Is something wrong with me? Is he playing a trick on me? Why can't I feel anything towards him? My breathing starts to come in quicker and I pick up my pace, trying to get into the safety of my room quickly. 

"You either do or you don't." He says hopelessly, running to catch up with me again. I shake my head at him, at a loss for words. The panic starts to settle into my bones, and I can feel the wind pick up. The leaves twirl around me and the trees rustle in the wind. "I- I don't know. I just need time to think." I tell him, crossing my arms around myself as my house comes into view. 

"Maybe we can figure it out together. My wolf knows your mine, maybe we need to help your wolf realize it too." He says, and I know he's trying to figure this out but it's putting me more on edge. "I'll figure it out myself. Please just leave me alone." I tell him, knowing that I'm asking a lot of him. I've never experienced the bond myself, but I know from my parents that mates are almost completely inseparable once they find each other, and that only intensifies as their rank gets higher.

I reach my door, swinging it open and turn to close it. A hand wraps around the edge of the door stopping it from closing and causes a gasp to escape me. "I'm not leaving you alone with this. There isn't anything wrong with you and from the way you're acting I think you think that there is. Let me help you figure this out." He says, holding my gaze. He wants to help, and I want to let him, but I just met this person, and if I allow myself to believe him, it means I could kill my mate and I would never risk that. I need time to learn control so I can't hurt him, I tell myself. He walks into the room, and I step backwards watching as he closes the door behind him. 

"I know you want to help but I need to be alone right now, I'll find you after. You need to leave." I tell him, feeling my emotions unravel. The wind whistles against the house and I know I need to let it out before it causes any damage. Maverick starts to shake his head in another rebuttal but is stopped by the room darkening. The temperature plummets and shadows pour from the corners of the house, circling Maverick. A shadow wraps itself around his neck, lifting him into the air, making his breathe escape him. Jason. 

I whip my head around and see Jason in his doorway, his eyes blackened as the shadow swirl around him. "Jason, I'm okay, it's a misunderstanding." I say, quickly walking over to him and grab his hand, holding it to my chest. He shows no response and continues staring at Maverick being strangled by the darkness. "Jason, look at me. I'm okay, I promise. You're going to kill him, please let him go." I tell him, and his eyes slowly turn to me. I squeeze his hard harder, wanting him to know that I'm with him. 

The darkness recedes back into the corners and his eyes return to normal. I don't turn around, but I immediately relax when Maverick inhales deeply, knowing that he's alive and okay, for the most part. "Please, leave. I'll find you after." I tell him, not looking at him as I feel the fire light in my eyes. Please leave, please leave. I repeat to myself, wishing for him to listen. Jason walks around me, letting go of my hand and pulls the door back open, holding it open for Maverick. 

"Okay, I'll leave." Maverick says softly, either because he was strangled or upset, I don't know, maybe both. The room darkens as the light disappears when Jason closes the door. I sigh out and feel the flames coming with it. They cover and caress my skin; it feels like a sweet relief. I hear Jason coming up behind me and he puts his hand on my shoulder, looking at me with concern. I can't control when the flames want to take over, but for the most part, I can control who or what thy effect. I nod at him, letting me know I'm okay and let out a small smile. "Look at what you did, you baddie." I tell him, teasing him a little. 

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