Finding Mica- Chapter 4

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Silver's POV

After hearing Mica like that worry instantly filled my body. I look at Derrick and he saw my expression. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Mica needs help." I say, and kick my horse into high gear, racing towards our house.

I quickly hop off, knowing Scout wouldn't wander far, and run inside. I throw the front door open, sniffing for my fathers scent and come across it, smelling fairly recent. "Daddy?!" I yell. I hear loud footsteps racing downstairs. "What's wrong, honey? What is it?" He says looking me over for any damage, with Jason right behind him, looking equally as worried. "Mica is hurt, he linked me. He needs help. He was supposed to show up for a trail ride with me and never showed up, that's when Derrick told me that he had already left and I knew something was wrong and then Mica told me he needed help and-." I was cut off by my brother, who grabbed my hand that was violently and nervously swirling my hair. "Calm down, your hearts racing, we'll find him."

"Your brothers right, we'll get the trackers on it. We'll find him soon." Dad says, resting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm coming with you." I tell him. "No, no your not. You need to stay here with your mother." He says, looking stern. "I'm the best tracker here and you know it. I can find him way faster." I tell him. We stare at each other for a few moments then he sighs. "Ok, but stay right by me at all times. Understood?" He says.

"Yeah, let's go." I say starting to walk out the door. "Silver. Promise me." He says, grabbing me by the shoulders. "I promise." I tell him. He looks at me for a second, then gives me a hug. After he lets go, I run outside and leap into my wolf form, calling her forward. My mud-splattered looking fur in place of my skin. I look around and see Will, Jason and dad, along with some warriors. Dad lets out a howl and we're off.

I race in the lead with Will, both of us following the scent. On the trek of the scent, my worry grows. I noticed when we left our own territories border and entered No Mans Land. In between every packs borders there is a few miles of unclaimed land, its meant to stay unclaimed. All the wolves in our council voted that no packs should neighbor side by side unless both alphas agreed, to avoid conflicts of werewolves accidentally crossing to border into another alphas land. Alphas, I'm sure everyone knows, are extremely protective and with that also comes the raging need to protect their territory. It's very serious when you cross into another packs land without an invitation, its not punishable by death unless the border crosser causes death, in which case the council is called to hold a trial, anything less serious is chosen by the alpha of the pack to punish as they wish.

That's why Alphas elect strong members of their pack to patrol around the borders, because no one has a claim in No Mans Land, anyone can stay there as long as they aren't causing problems for the neighboring packs, anyone meaning even rogues. That's also the reason I'm so worried about Mica, he had just finished patrolling and caught nothing, which means something was waiting for him to be alone, for a good moment to strike. One of the reasons for the dangers of werewolves on horses is the we can't shift when we are on them, a fatal flaw.

I noticed Micas scent getting ever so stronger and knew we were close. I slowly crawl into the bushes to see what was going on. I saw a big concrete building with vines growing on it. The wind blows and with it Mica's scent, along with Shadow's and it's fresh but that's not the only thing I smell of his. It's blood and a lot of it.
I feel awful for leaving people hanging. I thought I updated this but I had updated another story. I'm so sorry everyone. I promise I will update soon because this is a cliff hanger. Thank you everyone that is still reading my stories. XOXO-Morgan

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