Chapter 7 - The Present

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Naomi pulled out our latest batch of sugar cookies from the oven.

“These cookies look even better than the last ones, Tommy!” she said with a smile as she looked over at me.

I smiled sheepishly. I kind of was the master at putting sprinkles on cookies, what could I say? She carefully set the tray on top of the oven to cool and wiped her forehead.

“Man, preparing for Christmas dinner takes a lot of work.” she said, leaning against the oven.

“Maybe that’s why you shouldn’t have offered the house up.” Louis said, as he stepped into the kitchen.

“I thought you were over that.”

“Oh, you don’t know what a Tomlinson Family Christmas entails are; guess you’ll see soon enough.” he said as gave a quick glance to the atomic clock on the opposite wall. “When are they supposed to be coming?”

“Soon enough, now chill.” Naomi said as she checked on her other dishes in the dining room: mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, along with a pecan pie. 

Louis followed her into the dining room. “Geez.” he said as he gazed at the banquet. “You made enough food to feed a small country. But, uh… where’s the meat?”

“You know I don’t eat meat. So why would I make it? And your mom is bringing some, so fear not.”

The doorbell rang, and I scampered over to the door before they could even move.

“Grandma!” I shouted as I opened the door and saw Johannah.

“Hey Tommy, Merry Christmas!” she said as she made her way into the house. Louis and Naomi came to greet her.

“Louis, help your father and sisters bring in the gifts.” she commanded. “And Naomi, where would you like me to put this dear?” as she held up the honey glazed ham.

Louis exited the house with a sigh and Naomi led Johannah to the dining room. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I saw my grandfather, aunts, and my father bring in the caravan of presents. Shortly after, Liam and Danielle came by followed by Harry and Sofie, Zayn and Niall just a few minutes later, each bringing in even more presents with them. Everyone gathered round the dinner table and enjoyed the meal of Christmas.

After everyone had their appropriate number of second’s and third’s, they made their way into the family room and sat eagerly around the tree.

“Before we open presents.” Johannah said as she brought a bag onto her lap. “We have one last thing to do.” She reached into the bag and pulled out a leather bound album.

“The family album?” Liam asked

“Aw Mum. Do we really have to do that?” my father asked.

“It’s tradition! We do this every Christmas!”

The album also had pictures of Harry, Zayn, Niall and Liam. They were pretty close so they were considered as family. Johannah insisted on the boys getting their childhood pictures and memories from back home.

All my uncles shook their heads. I saw my grandfather, sitting on the couch, chuckling to himself.

“Come on girls. Gather around, I want to go through every picture.”

My father and all my uncles let out a simultaneous groan as Danielle, Naomi and Sofie moved around to get a good view.

“Mum, do you insist on embarrassing us every year?” Louis asked.

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