Does donnie like dick?!

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Summary: Donnie has had had a crush on Leo a little longer then he relies and now he's haveing a gay panic just about every time he sees him
This is a Rottmnt leotello love story mad at 2am on 2% so it is very crap!
"God I'm so bored there nothing to do, I should go and see what don is doing..."

"Hey don whatcha doing in there?"  'Knocking on Donnie's' lab door.

"Ugh I'm working 'nardo so please leave me alone."

"Donnie please,I'm bored and I want to spend time with my favourite twin...."

"Nardo I'm your only twin".

"I know I just wanted to hear you say it lol..!"

"Fuck of. Leo I'm busy "


Leo walks away just in time to miss Donnie freak out
Because the only thing protecting him from Leo seeing him blush like crazy was his lab door he built for this reason with not completely this reason but mostly why.

-later that day-
"Hey don do you want to go get pizza with me?"

"No nardo,I don't and plus I don't have time for it either so bye" showing Leo away from his lab door

Okay before you start saying 'omg Donnie if you like Leo why not get closer to him'  well you see the last time that happened Donnie ummm kind off dreamt off about something.....I bet you can guess what.

"Fine, but why do you kept pushing me away from you?!"

'Ugh because I like you' Donnie thought to himself
'Only if you knew'

"Because I like you okay I likel you more then a brother".....'SHIT I said it out loud'

"Wait really?!" Cool"

'Kisses Donnie check'  "see you later then"

"Wait what-...okay"

"Wake up Donnie it's time for a mission or whatever"
"Yea so get TV up"
"Okay okay I'm am, just get of me"

——-later that day————
(Okay so I'm bored off this sooo their like making out near a lake and Mikey catches them so this is what's happening so your not confused)

"Holy shit Dee you like Leo dick "

"What no I don't,don't be so ridiculous!"

"Yea right and he didn't just pin you to a tree and start kissing you, wait Leo do you LIKE DONNIE'S DICK!"

"Mikey shut tf up you dumb bubblegum bitch, stop being that" 'gesture to all of Mikey'

"HEY you just gestured to all of me!"

"Exactly so stop and go away I'm busy,"

"Yes busy fucking each other,or is Donnie the bottom?"


"Sorry okay bye have fun making love...~"

Leo and Donnie look at each other for a minute and then let go of each other then walk away very awkwardly.

'God that was embarrassing,I can't believe Mikey did that in front of Leo especially after I told him everything.'

'God dam it I was so close to seeing him go up and down but noooo~ michealangleo just had to ruin it on me.'

—————-later that night——————/
"Hey Dee can we talk?"

"Uh sure I guess,what's up?"

"So I'm about to say..."
"I was wondering if you want to go on a date
With me tonight or tomorrow morning if it's okay with you?"

"Yes sound lovely,thanks nardo"
'Kisses Leo's check'

The end
this will dooo, by the way it's 2:36am in the morning how every long this it took thirty six minutes to do so sorry if it's bad and plus I was doings on two percent so please ignore how bad this was.....


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