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It's a beautiful morning, the birds are chirping and the sun is rising making the day the most PERFECT day that ever existed. Mei was enjoying her good morning "OFC!! I WILL NEVER FORGOT MY BABY HONEY SWEET SUGAR BOO MONTHSARY!!" That weird cringe voice belong to Mei brother "BRO CAN YOU LET ME WAKE UP WITH PEACE!!" Mei shout loudly so that her brother can hear it, suddenly the door was wide open "NOT MY FAULT YOU SINGLE..MS NOBODY WANT!!" Mei brother tease her "you lil-" as Mei was about to curse out her brother Miss haruka yelled calling bot of her children for breakfast..

"UgHhhhhggHhhHh~" a loud groaned coming from Mei and Airin behind "can you stop that Kai.." Airin say with annoyed voice "I will when I see one couple break up today.." Kai say side eyeing Mei and Airin "then ig you will not shut that mouth of yours.." Airin surrender tired with Kai behaviour " it's impossible that there's no one break up in valentine day..LIKE IN THE MOVIE-" as Kai was about to finish his sentence Mei just shove a bread that was in her hand "be a good boy and shush" Airin just laughed respected Mei for her action towards Kai.

"LeTs GEt MaRRy iN VeGAs~" [dude dis song have been inside mah brain on loop!!!] as Mei,Airin and Kai was about to walk to the morning assembly they heard a girl singing. "Q RESPECTFULLY SHUT THAT MOUTH OF YOURS BEFORE I KILL YOU AND FEED YOU TO THE DOGS!!!" a very strict voice was heard within all those silly singing voice "UARGHHHH~" a familiar noise was also heard "SAME GOES TO YOU DEE!!!" well as expected the weird unquestionable noise is all come from the very extrovert senior in this academy. "Ahh yes those weird seniors.." Kai just sigh "you know them??" Mei ask "oh the one who just sing earlier is sister Q and the one who look like she had an anger issue is syu" Airin kindly explain "ohh I didn't know they were close with big sister Dee??" Mei never see Dee hang out with someone else other than Her,Airin and Kai "They are best friends!! Many people are jealous of their friendship" Kai add seem like Airin and Kai knew more about the seniors rather than their own same grade students. "HELLO MY LOVELYSS JUNIORSSS!!!" Ahh yess that annoying hello means Mei crazy school routine has begin..

"You late.." everyone in class silence including Mei herself..that voice is feared by almost everyone in school "mister Juan.. I actually-" as Mei about to defend herself a loud snored was hear from the back of the classroom "hurmm...go sit" Mei nodded and went to sit but the vibe is still making everyone shiver by their spine "WAKE UP YOU COUCH POTATO!!!" and thats how Mei started her class every morning..

" HAVE YOU HEARD..SOMEONE GOT BEAT UP BY RIYU THIS MORNING!!" a group of girls whispering in the middle of cafeteria. The whisper is loud enough for Mei to hear since she sit behind them.. " someone got beat up by Riyu??" Mei say out of curiousity " ohh of the top 5 had a fight with Riyu" Kai answer "why?" Mei tilt her head wanting answer " what else?? when Riyu start using his fist ofc its about Reen.." Kai said answering the older nonstop question "what does him fighting have to do with Reen" Kai just sigh " That dude is madly in love with Reen you idiot..the guy who got beat up is one of the junior in top 5" Mei just sit their with her mouth making 'O' "and who is-" as Mei about to ask another question Kai shove a lollipop in her mouth " HUSH WOMAN ENOUGH WITH THE QUESTIONS!!!"

" YOU ARE MINE!!!" Mei stop walking when she heard a loud voice coming from the end of the hallways " Stop it already tired of you getting in my way of living.." Mei was shock to see Reen and Riyu is the only one who stood there arguing with each other "ME?? getting in your do realised im the reasons you survive here Reena.." Riyu look deep in Reen eyes seem like he was giving some sort of warning to not mess with him "im tired of you controlling me.... .just let me go and give my joy back" Reen just look down "you think you deserve joy after 'that' happen..." Riyu smirk " remember Reen only i know the real you.." Riyu start walking slowly toward Reen " If i want i can just expose love.." Riyu eyes suddenly turn to Mei who was hidding behind the wall. As their eyes met Mei stand up and start walking fast away from both of the seniors...


Another day, another hell. That was my motto when i first enter this academy until now..I used to enjoy my school life but things change. As always I first visit the garden to see the roses, as i walking down to the garden i felt like someone was following me..I instantly know who was it.I stopped and felt a cold strong arms squizing me from behind " Babyy!!" Riyu called me excitedly "do you really need to call me that.." i say tired coping with Riyu obsessiveness " don't be so mean Reen..its our anniversary today~~" ahhh yes..the 'fake' anniversary "our contract never say anything about anniversary.." to be honest I never liked or in love with Riyu..he is just someone who i see as someone who wiling to help me when I'm in trouble..for short term as a friend..the person who I deeply love is Aaron, Riyu older brother. He was a senior here and now studying in UK, it has been a long time since I met him. Everyone in school always say I shouldn't be the one date Riyu..believe me I myself also think we are not perfect for each other..the reason I date Riyu is because of one accident..I was in middle school, getting a perfect grade means everything and having a B is like the end of the world for my family.One time I got a B in my math test..apparently I forgot to show the ways to solve the problem and my marks got deducted..everyone was already went home, I knock on the door and hear "come in!" I open the door an saw a smile "Reen how can I help??" I only look at the tescher and walk toward the teacher "I need an A.." I say not saying other words after " yknow what need to be done babe.." the teacher smirk and touch my body slowly unbuttoned my uniform..I want to resist but my hands can't seem to be move at the time..I was not good in math..and yes I had been fulfilling my pervert teacher needs for the sake of one paper that was mark A in a red pen..I thought my secret will remain secret but little did I know someone had witnessed it and that someone is Riyu..ever since that day I become Riyu dog..obeying every words he said..Riyu was kind enough to let it slide by 'fake'dating him, at first I thought it was just a normal contract but after a while I learn Riyu was obsessive..he is sick! A pervert who kept a picture of a girl in his dorm it's not one or two..almost hundreds or thousands
"Baby?" I snap back to reality "let's just go..other's might have wait for us..." I say not once wanting to take a glance of that sickening smile that act all innocent.

I opened the door and saw something I wish I never saw..a two female student was here half naked one on some person lap and other is sitting on the floor kneeling "MISS PRETTY!!!" an exciting voice came out of that 'some person' "Noah,haven't Carrie told you? no bringing other people to our office..escpecially 'chicks'" I ask knowing what he will anwser. "Who care what Carrie know i only listen to you!!" Noah say with a pouting mouth and start hugging me. Noah is a year younger than me, at first I thought he was innocent unlike the others but turn out he is the same. I know that Noah had a little crush at me but knowing Riyu know my secret I choose to ignore Noah instead. "We should start love.." I heard Riyu say from behind, I looked at him and saw his eyes got darkened and i knew deep down Riyu blood is boiling right now. "right..lets go.." that was the only words i can say to him.

All i could do is just to walk with silence in my mouth, Riyu is walking in front of me instead beside me lovingly as the pace he was walking i know he was really mad about Noah hugging me. "I dont like you hugging Noah" Riyu say and started walking slowly. "I never ask to be hugged or wanted to.." I say without even looking at him, Riyu than suddenly stop walking "but you didn't resist or even back away from the hug?!" He turn and facing me up close " you would if you dont wanted it!!" he gripped my hand harshly "listen Riyu my business has nothing to do with you, whether i want or not its mine decision to are neither my boyfriend nor husband to say what i can and can't" as i said all those words Riyu look at me with eyes full of anger "Remember what you did to make yourself at this situation Reen..the contract is to become my lover" as those words came from his mouth my heart sank..its true im the reason of who i become now "you should love instead of hating me know deep in your heart you cant live without need me" I only looked down, I hate when Riyu say that i cant live without him when its not even close to truth..

COLD HEART THAT ONCE BROKENOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant